Economics and Organization of the Enterprise (n)
Bachelor's degree programme Engineering and Management (first cycle)
Objectives and competences
Basic purpose of the subject is that students get to know the basics of strategic leading of the company.
The curriculum is designed so that the student can understand the relationship between organization, technology and economics.
Particular emphasis is placed on dynamic analysis towards the creation of the company's development.
Beside the basic knowledge of all relevant economics categories the students will acquire the following competences: Understanding the organizational concepts and the ability to analyze, synthesize and predict organizational measures, understanding the effects of global megatrends and to encourage new organizational paradigm, understanding of traditional organizational forms and contemporary organizational paradigms, knowledge of methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of practical organizational solutions, ability to solve business problems using objective methods for the evaluation of organizational measures.
Students will gain the basics of doing business in foreign markets, they will understand the need for companies in the open economy to expand to foreign target markets, where they have a recognized business opportunity. They will learn the forms of setting up a business abroad, they will be able to evaluate export readiness and prepare a simple export plan.
No specific knowledge required.
• The aim and purpose of the study
• Suggestions for study
• Presentation of work methods
• Obligations for students
• Conditions for effective studying -
The company as a system
• Operating system
• Business integration, association, participation and purchase of business systems
• Termination of the business system
• Production system, industrial company
• Objectives of the system
• Manage the production system
• Technology system -
Business functions
• Understand the business functions of the organizational process
• Knowledge of individual business functions and their contents
• A practical approach to organizing business functions
• Management, manager and managerial functions
• Coordination, decision-making and approaches to the coordination
• Determination of the main aims and objectives of the company
Fundamentals of business organization
• Processes in the organization and development
• Management and governance
• Organisational principles
• Models of leadership and management
• Motivation and stimulation
• Characteristics of successful companies
• Business strategies
• Business strategy design -
Organizational structure
• The concept of organizational structures
• Influencing factors for organizing structures (external and internal )
• The objectives and principles of the structure of modern organizations
• Types of organizational structures from the point of view of the of work and as whole
• Types of organizational structures in terms of management -
Organizational design models
• Concept of organizational design
• Approaches to the design of organizational design
• Strategies of access to the design of organizational design
• Key factors in the design of organization
• The concept and process of organizational design
• Methods of organizational design
• Practical aspects of the organizational design -
• What is investment
• Types of investments
• When do we invest
• Static indicators of investment
• Return of investment
• Financing of investment -
Management of the elements of the production process
• Management
• Elements of the business process
• Reproduction and reproductive process
• The company and the market
• Pricing
• Investment in working capital
• Capital and management -
Costs and management
• Definition of costs
• Cost sharing
• The cost of business functions
• The cost and scale of operations
• Calculating of the costs
• The production function of the type "A" and "B"
• Typical forms of consumption functions
• Special forms of cost functions -
Costs and buisness decisions
• Selection of technology and costs
• Flexibility of technology and costs
• Factors of efficiency and costs
• Selection of technology and the competitiveness of the company
• Model selection technology
• Dependence of the operating result of the total costs -
Kaplan- Northon indicators
• System of the indicators
• Aspects of the indicators
• Importance of the indicators
• Use of indicators -
• Purpose
• Type of calculations
• Use of calculations -
Balance of company
• Expenses and revenues of companies
• Analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of work -
Business on international markets
• Forms of doing business on foreign markets from the point of view of engagement of equity
• Specifics of doing business on foreign markets
• Evaluation of the company's export readiness
• Selection of target markets and preparation of export plan
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
• Students get to know basic principles of economics, leading and general approaches in planing and building a company.
• Students will achieve knowledge of basic organizational concepts and organizational forms, meet the system view of the organization,
understand the relationship between organizational structures , processes and systems, understand managerial decisions relating to the organization issues.
• Students acquire basic knowledge about doing business on foreign markets and are able to prepare a simple export plan.
• B. Bergant (2011): Ekonomika in organizacija v gospodarskih subjektih, Nova Gorica
• F. Bizjak (2008): Osnove ekonomike podjetja za inženirje, Nova Gorica. Catalogue UNG Publishing
• Š. Ivanko (2012): Paradigma sodobne organizacije, Ljubljana
• Bavec, C., Manzin, M. (2012): Strukturni vidiki organiziranosti, Koper:UP Fakulteta za management
The examinations or written exam, which assesses theoretical and practical knowledge of principles of economics, business organization and management.
Lecturer's references
Matejka Milost, univ.dipl. ekon., Lecturerr, habilitated in the field of Ecomomics and Company Organisation and Marketing
Areas of activity: economics, marketing, marketing strategies, internationalization and export consulting, education.
Employment: general manager and owner of the consulting company Fimago d.o.o. with over 26 years of work experience in the field of marketing, internationalization, export consulting and marketing strategies. Until today she has successfully assisted more than 300 domestic and foreign companies in entering foreign target markets. As a marketing consultant, she has participated in numerous international projects aimed at promoting economic cooperation between companies from different countries. Author and co-author of studies and research for the purposes of cross-border and development projects, co-author of the Market Strategy for Tourism Development of Mongolia and author of the Feasibility Study for a logistics platform in the Goriška region.
In the period 2017-2021 she led marketing and sales training programs within four industry clusters namely; the Public Fund of Republic of Slovenia for Human Resources Development, Wood industry cluster-KOCLES, Food Industry cluster - KOC HRANA, Sustainable Constructions cluster - KOC SOTRAG and Logistics cluster - KOC LOGINS.
She is also a lecturer within the project Competent Slovenia (2017-2021), implemented by the The Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Human Resources Development (to date, more than 200 participating companies). It also provides marketing and sales training in neighboring Italy for Italian companies as well as for the institutions. In total, more than 350 companies and over 1,200 participants have attended her workshops to date.
At University of Nova Gorica, School of Engineering and Management she is lecturer in Economics and Organization of the enterprise and Marketing Strategies, Web and New Media.
Achievements: more than 55 market research, more than 300 successfully completed export projects, 8 interviews in business newspapers, more than 350 participating companies and 1200 participants in her trainings in marketing, sales and internationalization.