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Marketing strategies, web and new media

Objectives and competences

The graduate will have knowledge of methods for solving complex and practice-based problems within diverse forms of contemporary marketing.
Students will acquire the following competences:
- understanding basic principles of the strategic marketing into every activity of the business;
- researching the opportunities of the use of new media in marketing development;
- concluding the sale;
- understanding business matters on marketing and competition;
- draw up relevant solution proposals within marketing-related problems on an analytical basis;
- conduct a market assessment;
- adopting the professional English language from the area of marketing sciences.
- understanding and planning of a structured performance in foreign markets
- definition of criteria for the selection of target markets
- elaboration of a simple market analysis for evaluation of the real business opportunity on a selected foreign market
- planning a positioning strategy on a selected market


No prerequisit knowledge about the subject is required.


  1. Market segmentation and product positioning:
    • segmenting the market,
    • markets' fragmentation,
    • selection of target markets,
    • positioning strategies.

  2. Marketing mix:
    • product/service,
    • pricing,
    • place,
    • promotion,
    • people,
    • processing of services,
    • physical evidence.

  3. Marketing strategies:
    • strategies of entering the domestic and foreign market,
    • product lifecycle,
    • changing markets, new technologies, the environment and legislation as the basis for the creation of marketing strategies,
    • basic marketing strategies and their development,
    • strategy of innovation and creativity in relation to marketing,
    • new trends in the field.

  4. World wide web marketing and new media:
    • internet marketing,
    • marketing research and internet,
    • search engine marketing and analytics,
    • mobile marketing.

  5. Marketing and E-commerce:
    • building a web business,
    • digital entrepreneurship,
    • advertising and promotion management,
    • location marketing,
    • social media marketing.

  6. Brands today:
    • strategic implications of branding,
    • brand and business building,
    • from private labels to store brands,
    • the new rules of brand management,
    • brand identity and positioning.

  7. Consumer society:
    • consumerism and materialism,
    • consumerism effects,
    • gobal proliferation of consumerism,
    • marketing and personal behaviour,
    • alternatives to consumerism.

  8. Export marketing orientations:

• Identifying business opportunities in foreign markets
• Selection of target markets according to the authentic competitive advantages of the company
• Preparing a simple market analysis
• Positioning strategy on a selected foreign market

  1. Study Excursion :
    • Visit to the selected manufacturing company
    • The excursion will wholly treat the most important contents of marketing, also in relation to other courses, predominantly Economics and organization of the enterprise

Intended learning outcomes

Student attending this course will be able to:
- participate in professional and interdisciplinary cooperation in the development of the marketing strategy;
- plan development-oriented situations within sales and marketing;
- handle the planning of marketing and sales as well as participate in the implementation in this connection;
- acquire skills and new knowledge, with regard to what was achieved in the course;
- understand and reflect upon central theories and models necessary for contemporary marketing management;
- recognize the opportunities for action for the development within the framework of changes in environment, technology and consumers’ needs.
- will understand the challenges of doing business in foreign markets
- he will be able to prepare a simple market research
- he will be able to plan a positioning strategy on a selected foreign market



  • Faganel, A. 2015. Lecture handouts in e-form.
  • Articles for discussion sent to the e-classroom, in Slovenian and English.


  • Kurtz, D.L. 2015. Contemporary marketing. Cengage Learning. E-version
  • Strauss, J. in R. Frost. 2013. E-marketing. Prentice Hall. E-version
  • Kapferer, J.N. 2012. The new strategic brand management. Kogan Page. E-version
  • Scott, G. 2015. The Materialistic World. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.


• Through the written part of the exam are evaluated both practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of marketing.

Lecturer's references

Matejka Milost, univ.dipl. ekon., Lecturerr, habilitated in the field of Ecomomics and Company Organisation and Marketing

Areas of activity: economics, marketing, marketing strategies, internationalization and export consulting, education.

Employment: general manager and owner of the consulting company Fimago d.o.o. with over 26 years of work experience in the field of marketing, internationalization, export consulting and marketing strategies. Until today she has successfully assisted more than 300 domestic and foreign companies in entering foreign target markets. As a marketing consultant, she has participated in numerous international projects aimed at promoting economic cooperation between companies from different countries. Author and co-author of studies and research for the purposes of cross-border and development projects, co-author of the Market Strategy for Tourism Development of Mongolia and author of the Feasibility Study for a logistics platform in the Goriška region.

In the period 2017-2021 she led marketing and sales training programs within four industry clusters namely; the Public Fund of Republic of Slovenia for Human Resources Development, Wood industry cluster-KOCLES, Food Industry cluster - KOC HRANA, Sustainable Constructions cluster - KOC SOTRAG and Logistics cluster - KOC LOGINS.

She is also a lecturer within the project Competent Slovenia (2017-2021), implemented by the The Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Human Resources Development (to date, more than 200 participating companies). It also provides marketing and sales training in neighboring Italy for Italian companies as well as for the institutions. In total, more than 350 companies and over 1,200 participants have attended her workshops to date.

At University of Nova Gorica, School of Engineering and Management she is lecturer in Economics and Organization of the enterprise and Marketing Strategies, Web and New Media.

Achievements: more than 55 market research, more than 300 successfully completed export projects, 8 interviews in business newspapers, more than 350 participating companies and 1200 participants in her trainings in marketing, sales and internationalization.