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About the school

At the School of Engineering and Management at the University of Nova Gorica we carry out contemporary interdisciplinary study programmes. The study is distinguished by its practical orientation, student friendliness and high employability after graduation.

School Mission

With their interdisciplinary breadth, the School of Engineering and Management’s study programmes encourage students to combine their technological and business skills and, by adopting a systemic approach, to identify and resolve problems connected with ensuring efficiency, quality and economic success in companies and other organisations. This also involves a focus on social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development. The School also focuses on developing open education as an important mechanism for achieving these goals. In this field as well, it provides for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach, supported by the latest technologies.

The School works to ensure links with enterprises, other institutions and local communities, thereby ensuring that the study programmes are always up to date and that the students enjoy excellent job prospects. It constantly strives to become closely integrated into regional, national and international contexts, and to raise its profile and relevance.

School vision

By applying the highest standards of research and education, the School of Engineering and Management is keen to become recognised, in the region and beyond, as a development leader in those segments that require technological and business knowledge to be integrated with knowledge of other fields, and as an institution that helps create that knowledge and transfer it to practice for the benefit of enterprises, society and every individual, all in line with the goals of sustainable development and the principles of openness and integration.



prof. dr. Imre Cikajlo
+386 056205830


prof. dr. Imre Cikajlo
prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar
prof. dr. Aneta Ivanovska
prof. dr. Juš Kocijan
prof. dr. Henrik Gjerkeš
prof. dr. Irina Cristea
pred. Matejka Milost, univ. dipl. ek.
prof. dr. Maja Ovčak Kos
viš. pred. mag. Iztok Lesjak

Nino Stanič – student’s representative

Matija Mavri – student’s representative

Natalija Zlatanova – student’s representative

Senat sessions

Academic Affairs Committee

prof. dr. Aneta Ivanovska, president
prof. dr. Henrik Gjerkeš, member
prof. dr. Maja Ovčak Kos, member

School Council

To strengthen the School's collaboration with the community, a School Council has been appointed as an advisory body:

M.Sc. Tanja Kožuh (CEO of the Primorski Tehnološki Park)

Dr. Marjan Rihar (Project Collaborator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, former Director of the Electronics and Electrical Industry Association at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia)

Robert Frandolič (President of the Slovene Regional Economic Association, SDGZ)

Marko Rondič (Director - Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Ajdovscina)

Darja Bajc (Human Resources, LedLuks d.o.o.)

Prof. Dr. Iztok Palčič (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Head of the Industrial Engineering Study Programme - Mechanical Engineering, Vice-Dean for Infrastructure and Cooperation with Industry)

M.Sc. Mitja Jermol (Holder of UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Education, Jožef Stefan Institut)

M.Sc. Aleš Urdih (Head of Quality Managemet at MAHLE Electric Drives Slovenija d.o.o)