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Changes of study program

Changes in 2016/2017

57. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 4.11.2016

a) decision on the change of holder in two subjects Basics of viticulture and Viticulture and confirmed new holder doc. dr. Katja Šuklje
At its 74th session on 16 November 2016, the UNG Senate approved the resolution.

58. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 22.12.2016
a) accepted proposal for the establishment of the Faculty of Viticulture and Enology
The UNG Senate adopted the amendment at the 75th Session on 18.1.2017

59. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 20.4.2017

a) decision on the change of the holder in the subject Mathematics with Statistics and the confirmed new holder prof. dr. Sergey Kryzhevich.
The UNG Senate approved the resolution at its 77th session on 10 May 2017.

b) appointment of a new president of the commission for study affairs at VŠVV prof. dr. Maruše Pompe Novak. The current president prof. dr. Branka Mozetič Vodopivec thus becomes a member.
c) appointment of an additional chairwoman of the commission for the evaluation of diploma theses at VŠVV doc. dr. Katja Šuklje.

60. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 5.9.2017

a) a decision on the change of institutions

- Wine sensors and confirmed new holder doc. dr. Guillaume Antalick – Agriculture and the environment and confirmed new lecturer doc. dr. Tanja Peric – General and inorganic chemistry and confirmed new lecturer doc. dr. Saim Emin

The UNG Senate approved the resolution at its 79th session on 20 September 2017.

60. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 5.9.2017

a) a decision on the change of institutions – Wine sensors and confirmed new holder doc. Dr. Guillaume Antalick – Agriculture and the environment and confirmed new lecturer doc. Dr. Tanja Peric – General and inorganic chemistry and confirmed new lecturer doc. Dr. Saim Emin
At its 79th session on 20 September 2017, the UNG Senate approved the resolution.

Changes in 2017/2018

*64. correspondence session of the Senate of the VSVV, which took place from 3.5.2018 to 4.5.2018 *

a) decision on the change of the holder in the subject Mathematics with Statistics, namely the new holder prof. dr. Irina Cristea; the previous lecturer in this subject was prof. dr. Sergey Kryzhevich

66. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 6.9.2018

a) the VSVV Senate approved the change of the curricula in the subjects Winemaking and Wine Sensory,
b) decision on the change of the holder in the subject Vinarstvo, where the members of the senate confirmed the new holder doc. dr. Guillaume Antalick; the previous holder was doc. dr. Melita Sternad Lemut.

Changes in 2018/2019

72. Session of the Senate of the VŠVV 5.9.2019

a) confirmed change of holders of the following compulsory subjects (Mathematics with Statistics – new lecturer Prof. Dr. Bojan Orel, Practical training 1 – new lecturer Marko Lesica, MSc, Practical training 2 – new lecturer Marko Lesica, MSc. The proposal was also approved by the UNG Senate at its 91st session on September 18, 2019. Amendments were made to eNakvis on October 15, 2019.

b) proposal for abolition of the compulsory course in the 3rd year Diploma Thesis (5 ECTS), which was replaced by the new compulsory course Graduate Seminar (5 ECTS). This changes the way of completing the VV 1st level studies. The study ends at the time when students complete all the obligations provided by the study program (124 ECTS from compulsory subjects, 36 ECTS from elective subjects and 20 ECTS from practical training). The proposal was also approved by the UNG Senate at its 91st session on 18 September 2019. The changes were made to eNakvis on October 15, 2019

Changes in 2019/2020

73. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 28.10.2019

a) confirmed change of the holder of the elective course Ampelography (new holder Radojko
Pelengić, lecturer). The proposal was also approved by the UNG Senate at its 92nd session on November 6, 2019. The changes were made to eNakvis on December 6, 2019.

74. Session of the Senate of the VSVV on 11.12.2019

a) approved amendment to abolish the optional subject Žganjekuha (3 ECTS) and introduce a new
Extended subject elective subject Wine distillates, fruit wines and other products based on grapes and wine (6 ECTS). The proposal was also approved by the UNG Senate at its 93rd session on 15 January 2020. The change was entered in eNakvis on 17.11.2020.

75. FVV Senate Session on 22.4.2020

a) approved amendment to the existing Rules of Procedure of the Study Affairs Committee
due to the transformation into the Faculty. At this session, the amendment of the existing Rules for the practical training of the 1st level study program was also approved due to the transformation into the Faculty. In both cases, there is a change in the text of the rules due to the transformation from the College of Viticulture and Enology to the Faculty of Viticulture and Enology.

76. FVV Senate Session on 23.6.2020

a) approved proposal for adaptation of remote knowledge testing. The changes were
proposed for action in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic and were provisional (until 30.9.2020). The proposal was approved by the UNG Senate at its 96th session on 8 July 2020. The intervention change was entered in eNakvis on 31.7.2020.

b) approved change on graduation and design of diploma theses and proposal on master’s degree and design of master’s theses.

c) confirmed change of the lecturer of the subject Management of agricultural holdings – new lecturer prof. dr. Jani Toroš. The proposal was approved by the UNG Senate at its 96th session on 8 July 2020.