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Remote sensing and GIS

This course is part of the programme
Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology

Objectives and competences

Remote Sensing techniques are nowadays widely used for detecting and monitoring land cover and other suface changes in, among others, the areas of agriculture and environment. The primary aim of the course is to give basic knowledge of remote sensing and GIS techniques and principles together with dataprocessing and applications in the agriculture and environment domains.


The purpose of the course is to introduce basic remote sensing concepts and raster image processing hence no remote sensing knowledge is required, some basic understanding of GIS is helpful, but not essential. Basic knowledge of physics and statistics is essential to follow the course. This course is related to the course Environmental information systems and GIS (1OK008) and Geographic Information Systems (2OK030).


  • remote sensing: short history, satellite systems and imagery, basic principles, definitions, electromagnetic radiation, interactions with the atmosphere, atmospheric windows, interactions with earth-surface materials (vegetation, water bodies, soils);
  • Earth observation satellites: spatial resolution, spectral resolution, radiometric resolution, temporal resolution, sensor types;
  • GIS and remote sensing: digital data, data formats, image-processing software, remote sensing – GIS relation;
  • preprocessing of remotely-sensed data: georeferencing, geometric correction, radiometric correction, de-striping methods, atmospheric correction methods;
  • enhancement techniques: human visual system, contrast enhancement, color composite;
  • filtering techniques: low-pass (smoothing) filters, high-pass (sharpening) filters, edge detection;
  • image transforms: arithmetic operations, vegetation indices, principal components analysis (PCA);
  • image classification: unsupervised classification, supervised classification, ISODATA classification, Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA), ancillary data, contextual classification, accuracy assessment;
  • hyperspectral, radar and non-visual remote sensing
  • remote sensing applications in agriculture

Intended learning outcomes

Proposed study outcomes
Acquiring basic knowledge of Remote Sensing and GIS. Learning basic image (raster data) manipulation principles and techniques – georeferencing, classification methods, quality assessment, analysis and interpretation of results. Additional objective of the course is to educate students for possible applications of satellite imagery for the purpose of solving agricultural and environmental challenges. Exercises from theoretical course will be applied in tutorial/practical work. Students will test their competences during tutorial/exercises or their seminars.

Obtained knowledge and understanding
Students are introduced to: the concepts of Remote Sensing and GIS; practical use of various spatial data; analysis of remote sensing and spatial data; basics of spatial statistics on raster data;
they learn: performing mathematical, logical and other operations on raster data; performing simple classfication techniques of raster data. Obtained knowledge is useful as a tool for solving spatially related challenges in their study of the agriculture and/or environment.

Applied skils:
Students will be able to work and to manipulate with raster data (remote sensing imagery and aucillary spatial data). They will be able to overlay and compare various spatial data to analyse the status of the environment and track its temporal changes. They will be able to use the analitical skills for solving practical problems in agriculture (i.e. assess the land coverage and its change through time using classification of satellite imagery).


  • Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Applications, 2nd Edition (2005). Editors: Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire, David W. Rhind. 404 pp. ISBN: 978-0-471-73545-8 Catalogue
  • Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, 4ed (2012). Michael N. Demers. 460 pp. ISBN: 978-8126537211. Catalogue E-version
  • Introduction to Remote Sensing, Sixth Edition (2022). James B. Campbell, Randolph H. Wynne, and Valerie A. Thomas. 634 pp. ISBN 9781462549405 Catalogue E-version
  • Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis, An Introduction, 5th Edition (2014). John A. Richards. 494 pp. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-44101-1. Katalog E-version


Attendance of the practical work: minimum 80%, seminar paper or written final exam (100%)

Lecturer's references

Associate Professor of geology at the University of Nova Gorica

  • KOMAC, Marko, HRIBERNIK, Katarina. Slovenian national landslide database as a basis for statistical assessment of landslide phenomena in Slovenia. Geomorphology, ISSN 0169-555X. [Print ed.], 39 str., doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.02.005. [COBISS.SI-ID 2378069]; kat.: 1A1, točke: 52,66
  • KOMAC, Marko, HOLLEY, Rachel, MAHAPATRA, Pooja, VAN DER MAREL, Hans, BAVEC, Miloš. Coupling of GPS / GNSS and radar interferometric data for a 3D surface displacement monitoring of landslides. Landslides, ISSN 1612-510X. [Print ed.], 2015, vol. 12, no. 2, str. 241-257, doi: 10.1007/s10346-014-0482-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 2257749]; kat.: 1A1, točke: 34
  • ČARMAN, Magda, JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, KOMAC, Marko. Landslides at a uranium mill tailing deposit site Boršt (Slovenia) detected by radar interferometry. Landslides, ISSN 1612-510X. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 11, iss. 3, str. 527-536, doi:10.1007/s10346-013-0454-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 2234197]; kat.: 1A1, točke: 56,67
  • JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, KOMAC, Marko, ŠINIGOJ, Jasna. Modern remote sensing techniques for monitoring pipeline displacements in relation to landslides and other slope mass movements. V: NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Moscow, Russia, 30-31 October 2012. CULSHAW, Martin (ur.), et al. Environmental security of the European cross-border energy supply infrastructure, (NATO science for peace and security series, C, Environmental security). Dordrecht: Springer, cop. 2015, str. 31-48. [COBISS.SI-ID 2354005]; kat.: 4NK (S); točke: 1.67, št. avtorjev: 3
  • JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, KOMAC, Marko. Using remotely sensed data to identify areas at risk: a case of central Slovenia. V: 8th International Conference on Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, Brač, 19-21 September 2012. BREBBIA, Carlos Alberto (ur.). Risk analysis VIII. Ashurst: WIT Press, 2013, str. 43-54. [COBISS.SI-ID 2071637] kat.: 4C (Z); tipologijo je verificiral OSICN točke: 12.5, št. avtorjev: 2
  • KOMAC, Marko, MILANIČ, Blaž, MAHAPATRA, Pooja, HANSSEN, Ramon F., VAN DER MAREL, Hans, FROMBERG, Alan, HOLLEY, Rachel. I2GPS - a new approach to 3D surface displacement monitoring. V: SASSA, Kyoji (ur.), TAKARA, Kaoru (ur.), HE, Bin (ur.). Proceedings IPL Symposium Kyoto, 2012 : 20 January 2012, Venue: Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University Uji, Kyoto, Japan. Tokyo: International Consortium on Landslides, 2012, str. 119-133. [COBISS.SI-ID 2007637] kat.: 4NK (S); točke: 0.71, št. avtorjev: 7
  • JANŽA, Mitja, KOMAC, Marko, KOBLER, Andrej, STOJANOVA, Daniela, OŠTIR, Krištof, MARSETIČ, Aleš, DŽEROSKI, Sašo, GOSAR, Andrej. Metodologija ocene višine in gostote vegetacijskega pokrova z daljinsko zaznanimi podatki in možnosti njene uporabe v geologiji. V: 19. posvetovanje slovenskih geologov = 19th Meeting of Slovenian Geologists, Ljubljana, marec 2009. HORVAT, Aleksander (ur.). Razprave, poročila = Treatises, reports, (Geološki zbornik, ISSN 0352-3802, 20). Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo, 2009, str. 58-61. [COBISS.SI-ID 1617749] kat.: 4NK (S); točke: 0.63, št. avtorjev: 8
  • OŠTIR, Krištof, KOMAC, Marko. Primerjava uporabe metodologije PSInSAR in DInSAR za opazovanje premikov površja - primer severozahodne Slovenije. V: PERKO, Drago (ur.), et al. Geografski informacijski sistemi v Sloveniji 2007-2008, (GIS v Sloveniji, ISSN 1855-4954, 9). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2008, str. 63-71, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 28618541] kat.: 3C (Z); točke: 10, št. avtorjev: 2
  • KOMAC, Marko. Napoved verjetnosti pojavljanja plazov z analizo satelitskih in drugih prostorskih podatkov. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 2005. [XXV], 232, 52 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6498-04-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 217660416] kategorija: 2B (Z); točke: 80, št. avtorjev: 1
  • JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, KOMAC, Marko. Rainfall patterns for shallow landsliding in perialpine Slovenia. Natural hazards, ISSN 0921-030X, 2013, vol. 67, no. 3, str. 1011-1023, doi: 10.1007/s11069-011-9882-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 1913941]; kat.: 1A1, točke: 50
  • KOMAC, Marko. Regional landslide susceptibility model using the Monte Carlo approach ‐ the case of Slovenia. Geological Quarterly, ISSN 1641‐7291, 2012, vol. 56, no. 1, str. 41‐54. [COBISS.SI‐ID 2015829]; kat.: 1A3 (Z1), točke: 67,38
  • KOMAC, Marko, URBANC, Janko. Assessment of spatial properties of karst areas on a regional scale using GIS and statistics ‐ the case of Slovenia. Journal of caves and karst studies, ISSN 1090‐6924, 2012, vol. 74, no. 3, str. 251‐261, doi: 10.4311/2010ES0188R. [COBISS.SI‐ID 2093909]; kat.: 1A4 (Z1); točke: 25,66
  • JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, KOMAC, Marko. From national landslide database to national hazard assessment. V: MAMBRETTI, S. (ur.). Landslides, (Safety & Security Engineering Series, ISSN 2047‐7686). Southampton; Boston: Wit Press, cop. 2012, str. 11‐26. [COBISS.SI‐ID 1983317]; kat.: 3B (Z1); točke: 15
  • KOMAC, Marko, URBANC, Janko. Karta površinske razširjenosti in stopnje zakraselosti kraških območij v Sloveniji 1:250.000 = Map of the spatial distribution and karstification intensity of surficial karst areas in Slovenia 1:250.000. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 2013. 1 zvd., barve. ISBN 978‐961‐6498‐40‐1. [COBISS.SI‐ID 269747456]; kat.: 2C (Z2); točke: 10
  • KOMAC, Marko, KUMELJ, Špela, RIBIČIČ, Mihael. Zemljevid dovzetnosti za pojavljanje drobirskih tokov v Sloveniji 1:250.000 = Debris‐flow susceptibility map of Slovenia 1:250.000. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije: = Geological survey of Slovenia, 2010. 1 zvd, barve. ISBN 978‐961‐6498‐17‐3. [COBISS.SI‐ID 246759936]; kat.: 2C (Z2); točke: 6,67
  • HE, Xiaogang, HONG, Yang, YU, Xiaodi, CERATO, Amy B., ZHANG, Xinhua, KOMAC, Marko. Landslides susceptibility mapping in Oklahoma state using GIS‐based weighted linear combination method. V: SASSA, Kyoji (ur.), CANUTI, Paolo (ur.), YIN, Yueping (ur.). Landslide science for a safer geoenvironment. Vol. 2, Methods of landslide studies. Cham ... [etc.]: Springer, cop. 2014, str. 371‐377, doi: 10.1007/978‐3‐319‐05050‐8_58. [COBISS.SI‐ID 2281045]; kat.: 4C (Z2); točke: 4,17
  • VERBOVŠEK, Timotej, KOMAC, Marko. Študijsko gradivo za predmet GIS v geologiji : (prosojnice s predavanj in vaj) : avtor in nosilec predmeta: doc. dr. Timotej Verbovšek : poglavje o daljinskem zaznavanju: doc. dr. Marko Komac . Ljubljana: Univ. v Ljubljani, NTF, Odd. za geologijo, avg. 2010. 267 str., ilustr. http://www.geo.ntf.uni‐lj.si/tverbovsek/. [COBISS.SI‐ID 835678]; kat.: SU (S) Drugo učno gradivo; točke: 1
  • KOMAC, Marko, KUMELJ, Špela, RIBIČIČ, Mihael. Model dovzetnosti za pojavljanje drobirskih tokov v Sloveniji v merilu 1: 250.000 = Debris‐flow susceptibility model of Slovenia at scale 1: 250,000. Geologija, ISSN 0016‐7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2009, vol. 52, no. 1, str. 87‐104. [COBISS.SI‐ID 1649493]; kat.: 1C (Z2); točke: 10
  • TYCHSEN, John, KOMAC, Marko, ŠINIGOJ, Jasna, ŽIBRET, Gorazd, KRIVIC, Matija, JEMEC AUFLIČ, Mateja, ADETUNJI, Adedeji. Support to formulate artisanal mining (ASM) needs and strategy plus a pilot study (small area) using satellite remote sensing & GIS to outline an inventory methodology, Nigeria : final report. København; Ljubljana: Geological Survey of Slovenia, 2015. 72 str., 6 pril. (loč. pag.). [COBISS.SI-ID 2434645] kat.: SU (S) točke: 0.29, št. avtorjev: 7