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Soil fertilisation and fertility

This course is part of the programme
Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology

Objectives and competences

  • The objective of the course is to deepen the knowledge on fertilization and fertility of the soil and the forms and methods of fertilization in accordance with the needs of the vine.
  • Students will also learn about fertilization technologies in alternative forms of agriculture and viticulture (ecological, biodynamic).
  • The emphasis of the subject will be on optimization and modern technologies and sustainable strategies for improving the fertility of the soil and reducing the negative impacts of fertilization on the environment.
  • In addition, students will acquire knowledge about modern methods for estimating the use of fertilizers (shapes, quantities, time frame) in accordance with modern guidelines in viticulture.
  • Students acquire practical and theoretical competences on methods of soil and plant quality control and interpretation of results.
  • In addition to technical knowledge, they will become acquainted with the guidelines and fertilization legislation in our country and in other countries.
  • Through lectures and preparation for seminars and exams, they will have the opportunity to participate and work in team and individually, and be able to think critically and transfer the results from scientific literature into practice.


General and inorganic chemistry, basic of plant physiology.


  1. Forms and roles of nutrients in soil and in plants. Recycling of nutrients in the systems soil-plant-animal and farm-urban area.
  2. Fertilization and environment: * Fertilization in alternative agriculture (organic, biodynamic, …). * Biogenic wastes that can be used as fertilizers/soil amendments. * Mineral fertilizers: classification, chemical and physical characteristics, behaviour in soil, environmental impact, critical issues
  3. Chemical, physical and biological parameters controlling soil fertility, focusing on the key-parameters controlling plant nutrient availability in soils.
  4. Optimization of soil fertility in order to support plant productivity in different conditions (adverse soil characteristics, different climatic zones).
  5. Strategies for sustainable management of inorganic fertilizers, animal manures and green manures in order optimize plant productivity and to reduce nutrient losses.
  6. Modern methods for assessment and application of correct forms, amounts and application time of fertilizers.
  7. Modern soil analysis and vine analysis in nutrient and fertilisation diagnostics, modern computer models for fertilization planning.
  8. Trends in vine fertilisation
  9. Guidelines and legislation concerning fertilization in SLO, and EU in comparison with examples from other parts of the world.

Intended learning outcomes

  • They will know different forms of fertilizers and the effects of fertilization on the environment and how to reduce the negative effects of this (toxicity, nutrient loss, ...)
  • Knowledge will be used to identify, eliminate and regulate soil imbalances and optimize the quality and fertility of the soil.
  • They will know modern methods in determining the content of nutrients in soil and soil quality, which is crucial for proper and balanced fertilization.
  • They will be able to transfer the acquired knowledge from scientific and other experiments into practice.


  • Mineral nutrition in higher plants. H. Marschner. Academic Press Inc.
  • Handbook of plant nutrition. A.V. Barker and D.J. Pilbeam. CRC press. E-version
  • Soil chemistry – H.L. Bohn, B.L. McNeal, G.A. O'Connor, John Wiley & Sons. Catalogue E-version
  • Fertilizers and soil amendments, Follet R.H., Murphy L.S., Donahue R.L., Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey.
  • Micronutrient Deficiencires in Global Crop Production – B.J. Alloway, Springer. E-version
  • Mineral fertilizer distribution and the environment. K.F. Isherwood. IFA/UNEP E-version
  • Slides
  • Moodle classrom


Lab work exam (30%), Homwork assignments (10%), Seminar paper ( 20%), Exam (50%)

Lecturer's references

Full professor for Pedology at University of Udine and associate professor for Pedology at University of Nova Gorica.
