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Plant Molecular Biotechnology

This course is part of the programme
Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology

Objectives and competences

The goal of this course is to introduce biotechnology methods in plants. The objective of the course is to give students new knowledge and widening of the knowledge acquired in other course by handling of classical and modern plant biotechnology processes with concrete examples on vines.


Prior knowledge of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Biochemistry, Plant biology, Cell biology and Plant Physiology and Biotechnology (Bachelor's level) is needed


The course will be composed of following chapters:
• Introduction
• Nucleic acids
• Organization and expression of plant genome with an emphasis on grapevine
• Genetic diversity
• Expression of inherited information
• Genotype, environment and phenotype
• Enzymes in genetic engineering
• Methods in plant biotechnology (DNA and RNA isolation, reverse transcription, PCR, qPCR, dPCR, HRM, different sequencing methodologies, Lamp, microarrays, RFLP, AFLP…)
• Bioinformatics tools with examples of their usage on grapevine
• Cloning vectors
• Comparison of classical and modern biotechnological methods of plant breeding with the examples on grapevine
• Methods of transformation of plants (transient transformation, transformation using bacteria, CrisprCas…),
• Traits introduced into the grapevine,
• Possibilities of production of new proteins and other substances in genetically modified plants,
• Production of plant secondary metabolites,
• Detection of genetically modified plants,
• Genomic approaches in plant sciences.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
* Knowing and understanding concepts, principles and processes in plant biotechnology.

* Knowing the possibilities of the applications of presented processes.


  • Glick BR, Patten CL. 2022. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA, 6th Edition E-version
  • Slide lectures
  • MiTeam classroom


Laboratory work (10%), , Tutorial (15%), Seminar (presented orally in discussion with other students and the lecturer) (15%), Written exam (60%)

Lecturer's references

Nosilka je profesorica za področje Biotehnologija. Ima dolgoletne praktične in teoretične izkušnje s področja biotehnologije in fiziologije rastlin, tudi na področju vinogradništva.

Njena znanstvena odličnost na področju biotehnologije in fiziologije se odraža v številnih znanstvenih objavah, ki so citirane na mednarodnem nivoju.

Njena bibliografija, strokovno in znanstveno delo, kot tudi povezanost z vsebino predmeta je razvidno iz strani:
