Applied enology
Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology
Objectives and competences
The goal of this course is to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the key and novel principles of enology with a focus on their critical understanding and the ability to select suitable techniques and approaches to solve either practical or scientific questions in winemaking/enology.
Basic knowledge in the fields of enology, biochemistry, wine microbiology and general, organic and anorganic chemistry is recommended.
Overview of actual trends in winemaking, understanding the types of review articles and their critical evaluation.
Health aspects of wine drinking (polyphenols, alcohol, allergens, heavy metals, pesticides) in correlation to development of novel wine products.
Modern winery planning:
Building design, location, utilities and equipment; Winery investments and costs. -
Winery management – Enological aspect:
Applied chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology concepts, needed for development of new wine products in modern and traditional winemaking; -
Analysis and evaluation of the choices in the implementation of different winemaking technology steps based on: wine quality and style considerations as well as technical, ecological, ergonomic and economic criteria.
A systematic and scientific approach to the wine practice:
- Organisation / planning of winemaking trials or protocols for evaluation of new products, processing and wine production aids, and their impact upon the wine production process.
Critical reading of scientific articles and evaluation of their applied potential in practice.
Sustainable enology:
- New green approaches in wine production;
- Novel suggestions of re-usage of winery waste.
SEMINAR * The students study and prepare presentations based on the selected reviwe articles * The students prepare the winery plan or technological plan for a new product development.
TUTORIALS * Mini-vinification processing, monitoring and quality assessment; critical evaluation of technological steps. * Guided degustation of wines
Presentation of posters and/or short oral communications in the style of professional or scientific conference.
Visit and critical assessment of the winery (or wine-related organization) functioning.
Intended learning outcomes
The students will be able to: * understand and apply chemical, biochemical and microbial processes behind the traditional and novel technologies in the development new wine products of targeted style * critically asses the processes and impact upon wine quality that arise through their application. * conduct / interpret technical winery audit in order to suggest improvements or to plan a new winery design. * describe approaches for rigorous evaluation of new products of relevance for wine production as well as for the process modifications. * Understand sustainable approaches in enology; in technology part as well as in waste-management part.
- Boulton, Roger B., Vernon L. Singleton, Linda F. Bisson, and Ralph E. Kunkee. (1999) Principles and practices of winemaking. Springer Science & Business Media. Catalogue E-version
- Ribéreau-Gayon P., Dubourdieu D., Doneche B., Lonvaud A. (2006). Handbook of Enology. 2006. The Microbiology of Wine and Vinifications. Vol. I, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Catalogue
- Ribéreau-Gayon P., Glories Y., Maujean A., Dubourdieu D. (2006). Handbook of Enology. 2006. The Chemistry of Wine Stabilization and Treatments. Vol. II, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Catalogue
- Jackson, R.S. (2020). Wine science: Principles, practice, perception. London, Academic Press. Catalogue E-version
- Margalit, Y. (2012). Concepts in wine technology. Wine Appreciation Guild. Catalogue
- Slides lectures
- Online classrom
- Actual and relevant scientific articles of the field.
- Bavčar, D. (2021). Anatomija stilov vina. Revija Vino. Catalogue
Oral exam (70%), Tutorials Report (10%), Seminar (20%)
Lecturer's references
Prof. dr. Melita Sternad Lemut (assistant professor for wine field at UNG)
PROFILE: oenologist, researcher, lecturer, co-establisher & co-owner of wine estate, head of wine research centre
Phenolics in grapes and wines / Grapevine secundary metabolism in interaction with the environment / Sustainable viticulture / Novel and inovative viticultural and wine approaches / Application of metabolomics
National project
* Ciljno razvojni projekt - CRP (P-V4-2381): MED-STI-K - Stičišče znanj za zeleno, trajnostno in inovativno sredozemsko kmetijstvo (1.10. 2023 - 31.3. 2025) / ARIS – Javna agencija za znanstveno raziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije in MKGP - Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano / Vodilni partner Znanstveno-Raziskovalno središče Koper.
International project: * Interreg Alpine Space project RESPOnD – Climate resilience alpine wine orchards (2024-2027) (Vodilni partner Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy).
National Projects
* Aplikativni ARRS projekt (L4-1842): Vpliv težkih kovin na staranje belih vin (2019-2022) / ARRS – Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in BioLaffort / Kontaktna oseba:
* Bilateralni projekt (N4-0158) Metabolna prilagodljivost rastlin na vodni stres (2020-2023) / Sofinanciranje slovenskega dela projekta v sodelovanju s FWW (Avstrija) ARRS – Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
* Aplikativni ARIS projekt (L4-50141): Poreklo vina: geo-klimatski, mikrobiološki ali človeški konstrukt? Primer slovenskih modrih frankinj (2023-2026) / ARIS – Javna agencija za znanstveno raziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije in MKGP - Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano / Vodilni partner: Kmetijski Inštitut Slovenije
International project * Transregijski projekt Norveški Mehanizem: Uncorking rural heritage: indigenous production of fermented beverages for local cultural and environmental sustainability (2020-2023) / EEA in/and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation) / Vodilni partner: Univerza v Novi Gorici