Principles of Viticulture
Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle)
Objectives and competences
The aim of the course is to introduce importance of viticulture and
its economic status. Students are acquainted with the biological,
ecological and socio-economical limits of viticulture.
Knowledge of Plant Biology and Physiology.
the role of viticulture as the economy branch: importance, priorities and limitations, state and prospective of the viticulture;
classification of Vitis species: general characteristics and use of american, asian and european grapevine species, classification of grapevine varieties according to geographical origin 'Proles';
viticulture 'terroir' units: geographic protection of wine trade mark, legislation on winegrowing zonation;
morphology and anatomy of the grapevine: development and functions of the root, trunk, shoot, bud, leaf, tendrils, inflorescence, bunch;
ampelography: definition and its importance;
rhythms of vegetation: vegetative cycle, reproductive cycle;
the grapevine and rootstock list for Slovenia.
Intended learning outcomes
Students acquire basic knowledge in the field of viticulture: the role of viticulture as the economy branch, classification of Vitis species, viticulture 'terroir' units, morphology of the grapevine, ampelography, growth phases of grapevine, grapevine cultivar sortiment of Slovenia.
• Vršič, S.; Lešnik, M. 2001. Vinogradništvo. Ljubljana, Kmečki glas: 368 s. Catalogue
• Hrček, L.; Korošec-Koruza, Z. 1996. Sorte in podlage vinske trte : ilustrirani prikaz trsnega izbora za Slovenijo. Ptuj : SVA Veritas: 191 str.
• Winkler, A.J.; Lider, A.L. 1975. General Viticulture. University of California Press: 710 s. Catalogue E-version
• Jackson, R.S. 2000. Wine Science: Principles, Practice, Perception. Academic Press: 654 s. Catalogue E- version
• Galet, P. 2000. General Viticulture. 448 s.
Slides, MiTeam classrom UNG
Written examination.