Principles of Viticulture

Objectives and competences

The aim of the course is to introduce importance of viticulture and
its economic status. Students are acquainted with the biological,
ecological and socio-economical limits of viticulture.


Knowledge of Plant Biology and Physiology.



the role of viticulture as the economy branch: importance, priorities and limitations, state and prospective of the viticulture;

classification of Vitis species: general characteristics and use of american, asian and european grapevine species, classification of grapevine varieties according to geographical origin 'Proles';

viticulture 'terroir' units: geographic protection of wine trade mark, legislation on winegrowing zonation;

morphology and anatomy of the grapevine: development and functions of the root, trunk, shoot, bud, leaf, tendrils, inflorescence, bunch;

ampelography: definition and its importance;

rhythms of vegetation: vegetative cycle, reproductive cycle;

the grapevine and rootstock list for Slovenia.

Intended learning outcomes

Students acquire basic knowledge in the field of viticulture: the role of viticulture as the economy branch, classification of Vitis species, viticulture 'terroir' units, morphology of the grapevine, ampelography, growth phases of grapevine, grapevine cultivar sortiment of Slovenia.


• Vršič, S.; Lešnik, M. 2001. Vinogradništvo. Ljubljana, Kmečki glas: 368 s. Catalogue
• Hrček, L.; Korošec-Koruza, Z. 1996. Sorte in podlage vinske trte : ilustrirani prikaz trsnega izbora za Slovenijo. Ptuj : SVA Veritas: 191 str.
• Winkler, A.J.; Lider, A.L. 1975. General Viticulture. University of California Press: 710 s. Catalogue E-version
• Jackson, R.S. 2000. Wine Science: Principles, Practice, Perception. Academic Press: 654 s. Catalogue E- version
• Galet, P. 2000. General Viticulture. 448 s.
Slides, MiTeam classrom UNG


Written examination.