Technical Physics in Viticulture and Winemaking
Bachelor's programme in Viticulture and Enology (first cycle)
Objectives and competences
Students learn the fundamentals of classical physics in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, waves and optics. They acquire understanding of fundamental conservation laws (energy, momentum, ...) on practical examples, and get familiar with physical working methods and basic mathematical techniques for a quantitative interpretation of physical properties of the phenomena in nature and for solution of simple physical problems.
Knowledge of mathematics at highschool education level.
• Physical quantities : units and standards , measurement errors of physical quantities.
• Dynamics: Newton's laws of motion , translation and rotation, work and power , kinetic and potential energy, law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of momentum and angular momentum, swings .
• Elasticity: a rigid body in balance , center of gravity, elastic properties of solids and strain , Hooke's law.
• Fluid Mechanics : hydrostatic pressure , density, compressibility, Pascal's principle , buoyancy , mass and volume flow , continuity equation, surface tension, osmotic pressure , laminar and turbulent flow , work pressure, Bernoulijeva equatio, viscosity, linear and square law of resistance, streaming fluid within the pipe.
• Thermodynamics: temperature, Celsius and Kelvin scale, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, gas equation, work, internal energy, heat, first law of thermodynamics , calorimetry, heat the material by convection and radiation heating and cooling system, thermodynamic changes in the ideal gas, the second law of thermodynamics, heat and cooling machine. heat pump efficiency .
• Waves: longitudinal and transversal waves, sound, light, direction of propagation, wave front, wave diffraction on obstacles , sine wave, wavelength, frequency, wave speed, phase, spectrum of sound and light , interference, standing wave, absorption and transmission wave, deceleration wave intensity with distance from a point of origin, reflection and refraction, refractive index, polarization of light .
• Optical devices : flat and spherical curved mirrors , thin lenses, magnifying lens , camera, projector, binoculars , microscope photometer , polarizers , color filters , spectrum analyzers , optical fibers .
Tutorial are closy connected with lectures content. Students in the tutorial become familiar with basic computational techniques in physical problems and are able of critical and independent evaluation of physical phenomena
Intended learning outcomes
Knowledge in physics, needed for qualitative and quatitative evaluation of physical problems.
Obtained knowledge will help to understand the more technologicaly oriented courses.
• Kladnik, R. Fizika (I, II, III). Catalogue1, Catalogue2, E-version, Catalogue3
• Halliday, D.; Resnick, R. 1994. Fundamentals of Physics. John Willey & Sons, N.Y. Catalogue
• Kladnik, R.; Šolinc, H. Zbirka fizikalnih problemov z rešitvami (1. in 2. del). Catalogue, E- version, Catalogue
• Slides and MiTeam classrom UNG.
Colloquium from tutorial and oral exam (25 %/75 %)
Lecturer's references
Assistant professor for the field of Physics, employed at University of Nova Gorica.
References, professional and research activity of professor .