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Advanced Viticulture

Objectives and competences

The student is aquatinted with different viticultural practices and their impacts on the grape quality. The lectures are implemented with practical work in the field. Theoretical and practical knowledge enables him to choose the optimum technology in actual case.


Knowledge of plant biology and physiology.


• grapevine propagation: selection, different method of grafting and propagations,
• establishing the vineyard: choice of location, preparation of the soil, the comparison of the vertical and terrace grapevine planting on the slope, choice of grapevine variety and rootstocks;
• training system and its impact on quality
• pruning: pruning for training,
• annual winter pruning, the response of the vine to pruning; summer or herbaceous pruning and its impact on quality;
• fertilisation: chemical elements essential to plant growth, physiological diseases, rate and manner of applying fertilizers;
• irrigation: water requirements, evapotranspiration, water systems
• precision viticulture and remote sensing aplications
• growing table grapes: the possibility of growing table grapes in Slovenia, particularity of ampelotechnic;
• soil cultivation or permanent cover crop;
• harvest organization;
• ecological oriented viticulture practice

Field practice
Field practice are organized in different vineyards.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding:
- Various wine-growing technologies and the impacts of individual measures on the quality of the grapes
- irrigation and water management
Self-managing technology operations in the vineyard, adaptation given the situation in the field/vineyard and in the season.


  • Winkler, A.J.; Lider, A.L. 1975. General Viticulture. University of California Press: 710 s. Catalogue E-version
  • Jackson, R.S. 2000. Wine Science: Principles, Practice, Perception. Academic Press: 654 s. Catalogue E-version
  • Vršič, S.; Lešnik, M. 2001. Vinogradništvo. Ljubljana, Kmečki glas: 368 s. Catalogue
  • Galet, P. General Viticulture. 448 s
  • Slides in Moodle/Miteam online classroms.


Written and oral examination-

Lecturer's references

Assistant professor for the field Viticulture.
