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Advanced Wine Marketing: communication, PR, event management and consumer behaviour

Objectives and competences

The purpose of this course is to illustrate the situation on the world wine communication and the need to better know who is the wine consumer.

Students must learn that there is not a unique consumer behaviour, that demographics, geography, age, income and other variables may have a great influence on wine consumption patterns.

They should understand that the wine communication has changed from the traditional business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing to a new model where the consumer has more power and new needs: this can change the way wines, wineries and wine regions are seen and consumed.

Tradition, low price and the quality of wine are no more the unique streghts to differentiate from competitors, but the deep knowledge of customers and the new wine marketing and communication skills can give a competitive advantage.


Knowledge of sensory evaluation of wines and general marketing rules.


1 Introduction: elements of wine marketing (summary)

2 The international wine consumer
Trends in wine consumption
The old world consumer (France, Italy, Slovenia)
The new world consumer
Consumer behaviour and patterns: the generational issue
The role of the trade

3 How to communicate wine
Product and packaging
B2B promotion (trade, in-store, retail)
Public relations and traditional media
The new media: internet, social, mobile
Events and tastings
Communication and branding

Find the right information.
Comparative tastings and price comparisons.
Analysis of international wine press.
Review and analysis of wine related social media and mobile APPs
Visit winemakers / wine cellar with a strong international presence on the market through communication.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

• The impact of globalization on the wine industry,
• The role of new actors (especially non-European producers),
• Recognize patterns of consumption,
• International trade,
• Increased role of brand name of wines compared to traditional wines with "origin"
• International markets.
• Management and the role of strategic and operational marketing.
• Based on the segmentation to determine what the objective of positioning and differentiation must be used


  • Slides
  • Articles and websites
  • Resnick E., Wine Brands: Success Strategies for New Markets, New Consumers and New Trends, Palgrave Macmillan (2008)
  • Hall C.M. and Mitchell R., Wine Marketing. A practical guide, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. Catalogue
  • Wine Business International, Meininger’s Verlag
  • Wine Business


Class participation Group assignments and class discussion Exam 10 % 40 % 50 %

Lecturer's references

Nosilec je višji predavatelj za področje Marketing na UNG/Higher lecturer for the field of Marketing at University of Nova Gorica
Publications of last 5 years/Lista publikacij zadnjih 5 let
Academic research – Conference papers
P.De Luca, G. Gallenti, P.Penco: “Nuovi clienti in nuovi mercati: il vino italiano in India”, in “Le relazioni tra innovazione e internazionalizzazione. Percorsi di ricerca e casi aziendali” (a cura di P.De Luca), Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste 2015.
P.De Luca, P.Penco: “The role of packaging in marketing communication: an explorative study of the Italian wine business”, 3rd International Wine Business & Marketing Conference, July 6-8, 2006, Montpellier (France)
Publications (Wine Industry management)
P.Penco, “Vini a basso contenuto alcoolico: moda o nuova frontiera?”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 87 n.12, April 21st, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2014
P.Penco, “Mercato globale, una bussola per non sbagliare rotta”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 87 n.10, March 31th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2014
P.Penco, “30 blogger da tutto il mondo in FriuliVG”, Q.B. – Quanto Basta FVG, October 2011
P.Penco, “26 milioni di persone che cercano un motivo in più”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 84 n.28, July 11th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2011
P.Penco, “For any further information”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 84 n.16/17, April 25th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2011
P.Penco, “E’ iniziata la Prosecco Decade”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 84 n.6, February 1st, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2011
P.Penco, “Il mercato dei fine wines in tempo di frugality”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.45, November 15th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “UK - Off Trade: La promozione ammazza la curiosità”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.23, June 7th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “UK - On Trade: Al ristorante non gira”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.23, June 7th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Correrà come prima”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.22, May 31st, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Quando il marchio vuol dire fiducia”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.18, May 3rd, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Grande è bello? Forse non più”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.15, April 12th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Il nuovo passa dal verde”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.15, April 12th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Un’orma sempre più leggera”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 83 n.15, April 12th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2010
P.Penco, “Il valore dell'origine si riconosce a colpo d'occhio”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 82 n.12, March 23rd, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2009
P.Penco, “Vino e brand Italia - questione di lifestyle”, Il Corriere Vinicolo anno 82 n.4, January 26th, Editrice Unione Italiana Vini, 2009