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Italian Language

Objectives and competences

The students get acquainted with the Italian language in general. They practice listening and reading comprehension, practice talking and writing. They also learn some of the viticulture terminology and get the basis of correspondence.


Not required.


Students are acquainted with basic vocabulary and structures of Italian language; they learn grammar, such as simple tenses and moods. The emphasis is given on oral communication. In the first part of the course the topics cover everyday situations: greeting, introducing (oneself, guests, friends) and talking about one's birthplace, getting along in a foreign country, weather; whereas in the second part the topics are more specific. Students are able to communicate in Italian and talk about viticulture in general (different sorts of wine, the difference between Italian and Slovene wines, when to drink wine, wine and food...).


They repeat grammar, make dialogues working in groups and prepare two-or three-minute presentation of one particular topic, write short invitations, spots,

Intended learning outcomes

  • reading, listening and writing skills in italian language
  • communicate in Italian about everyday topics, use the language to communicate in the business world
  • wine and vine usage terminology-written and oral


• Matteo La Grassa: L’Italiano all’Università 1, Edilingua. Catalogue
• M. Dardano, P. Trifone: La nuova grammatica della lingua italiana, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1997.
• Latino, M. Muscolino: Una grammatica italiana per tutti, Edilingua, 2004.
• S. Šlenc: Veliki italijansko – slovenski slovar, DZS 1997. Catalogue
• S. Šlenc: Veliki slovensko – italijanski slovar, DZS 2006. Catalogue
• Materials distributed during lectures and exercises (advertisement, brochures, crossword puzzles, posters, study sheets).


Attendance at lectures and tutorials, presentation of seminar paper are conditions for accession to the written (60 %) and oral exam (40 %)

Lecturer's references

Karla Božič had been teaching the Italian language (as well as the French language for four years) at the Secondary School of Economics and Commerce from 1977 to 2010, when she retired. Throughout the years, she has also been teaching at school units providing adult education. She has also occasionally taught language courses for adults at various language schools.

In October 2000 she was appointed Lecturer and she held lectures at the Faculty of Tourism Studies until 2007. In 2009 she was also appointed Lecturer at the Leila Professional College for Business Studies in Ljubljana.

During her professional career, Karla Božič was mentor of numerous trainees and hosted students of the Italian language of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana performing teaching practice at her school.

From 1995 to 2000 she was a member of the National Matura Examination Committee for the Italian language, during the same period (and later) she was also an external evaluator and took part in preparing the Matura examination catalogue. She has been acting as a reviewer of written examination materials ever since.

Rogovič, Tanja, Božič, Karla: Italijanski jezik v turizmu II: Učno gradivo za 2. letnik – prvi tuji jezik, 2006

Rogovič, Tanja, Božič, Karla: Italijanski jezik v turizmu I: Učno gradivo za 1. letnik – prvi tuji jezik, 2006

Baebler, Jasna, Benulič, Saša, Bitenc, Suzana, Božič, Karla: Predmetni izpitni katalog za maturo, 2000