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Sara Vukotić

Research Activities

Sara Vukotić’s current research focuses on the interdisciplinary connection between literary studies and cultural studies, with an emphasis on gender studies and women’s studies. Her work explores Slovenian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, analyzing themes of female sexual desire and girlhood. She pays particular attention to literary depictions of female identities and corporeality, as well as the cultural aspects of sexual norms. Her literary analysis integrates feminist approaches and perspectives that reveal the complex relationships between literature, gender, and society.

Research Areas and Keywords
Slovenian literature, gender studies, women’s studies, girlhood, female sexual desire, 19th and 20th-century literature, cultural studies, sexual norms, corporeality

Selected Publications

Vukotić, Sara in Darko Ilin. (2024). „Decolonizing Literary Studies: Unveiling Postcolonial Narratives in Post-Yugoslav Academic Curricula.“ Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia. https://doi.org/10.15388/ActPaed.2024.52.12

Vukotić, Sara in Darko Ilin. (2023). „Stvaranje pesme i prirode kao (srpska) poetska kosmogonija u pesničkoj zbirci ‚Tako ona hoće‘ Milutina Petrovića.“ V: Čolak, Bojan in Avramović, Marko (ur.) Poetički koncepti Milutina Petrovića: zbornik radova. Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost; Srpsko književno društvo, str. 193–216.

Vukotić, Sara. (2019). „Infantilna percepcija sveta u Cankarevom romanu ‚Kuća Marije pomoćnice‘“. V: Đukanovič Maja in Ilin, Darko (ur.) Cankar i(n) mi: Zbornik radova sa Međunarodne studentske konferencije održane na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, Srbija, 8. i 9. 12. 2018. Beograd: Filološki fakultet, str. 90–99. doi:10.18485/cankar_i(n)_mi.2019.ch8

Curriculum Vitae

Sara Vukotić (1996) was born in Kragujevac, Serbia, where she completed both primary and secondary education. In 2020, she graduated from the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, with a bachelor's thesis focused on the comparative exploration and interpretation of cosmogonic and metaphysical elements in South Slavic poetry. In 2021, she earned her master’s degree from the same department with a thesis on the comparative study of Old Serbian literature. In 2024, she completed her second master’s degree at the Department of Cultural Studies and Anthropology at the University of Primorska in Koper, with a thesis focused on migration, identity construction, identity politics, and ritual studies.

During her studies, she participated in international exchanges (2019, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Department of Croatian Studies and Department of Cultural Studies) and research projects and workshops (the international project Walk the Line in 2022 and the international workshop Pasts and Futures of Public Spaces: Workshop on Ethnographic Methods and Historic Urban Space in 2022). She has been employed at the Research Centre for Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica since 2024.