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Dr. Vita Žerjal Pavlin

Research activity:

Vita Žerjal Pavlin explores Slovenian poetry, especially lyric cycles. Her research focuses on Slovenian women poets from the 19th century to the present. Her analysis of lyric cycles also includes a narratological approach.

Research areas and keywords:

Slovenian literature, Slovenian poetry, lyric cycle, female literary authorship, narratology

Selected publications:

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Kratki sonetni cikli Vide Taufer in Lili Novy. Pavlič, Darja (ur.). Slovenska poezija. 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2021. Str. 77-83. Obdobja, 40.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Pripovedne značilnosti Cankarjevega lirskega pesništva v obeh izdajah Erotike. Simpozij Tržaški Cankar in naše branje. Trst: Mladika: Slavistično društvo Trst-Gorica-Videm, 2020.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Naratološki vidiki lirskocikličnega oblikovanja: ob primeru cikla Josipa Murna "Fin de siècle". Primerjalna književnost: 2020, letn. 43, št. 1, str. 173-187.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Pesemski cikli Ljudmile Poljanec in Vide Jeraj. Šekli, Matej (ur.), Rezoničnik, Lidija (ur.). Slovenski jezik in njegovi sosedje. Ljubljana: Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2019. Str. 311-320. Zbornik Slavističnega društva Slovenije, 29.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Slovenkine pesnice. Verginella, Marta (ur.). Slovenka: prvi ženski časopis (1897-1902). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2017. Str. 53-65

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Reprezentacija ženske v poeziji Pavline Pajk. Slavistična revija: časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. 2014, letn. 62, št. 2, str. 163-175.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Prvi pesemski cikli slovenskih pesnic. Jezik in slovstvo. 2012, letn. 57, št. 3/4, str. 131-145.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Križev pot Ljubke Šorli v kontekstu slovenskih križevih potov kot lirskocikličnih besedil. Mihurko Poniž, Katja (ur.). Ljubka Šorli (1910-1993): znanstvena monografija ob stoletnici pesničinega rojstva. Nova Gorica: Univerza, 2010. Str. 53-73.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita. Sonetni cikli v slovenskem pesništvu 1980-2010. Zupan Sosič, Alojzija (ur.). Sodobna slovenska književnost: (1980-2010). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010. Str. 433-439. Obdobja, Simpozij, 29.

Žerjal-Pavlin, Vita, Lirski cikel v slovenski poeziji 19. in 20. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2008. 222 str. Studia litteraria.

Curriculum vitae

Vita Žerjal Pavlin (1963) was born in Postojna. In 1987, she graduated from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenian language and literature and Journalism. She received the university's Prešeren Prize for her

diploma thesis The New Wave of Slovenian Poetry in the 1980s. After working as a journalist for a short time, she became a secondary school teacher of Slovenian, and since 1992 she has been teaching at the Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana. In 2007, she received her PhD from the Department of Slovenian Studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and published the results in the monograph The Lyric Cycle in 19th- and 20th- Century Slovenian Poetry (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2008). In the years 2008–2011, she worked as a part-time teaching assistant with Prof. Dr. Katja Mihurko Poniž at the University of Nova Gorica.

She has published several scientific articles. She has presented several papers at the Primorska Slovene Studies Days (Primorski slovenistični dnevi), at scientific meetings organised by the Slovene Studies Department of the University of Nova Gorica (on Ljubka Šorla, Damir Feigl and Pavlina Pajk and female authorship in the 19th century) and at international symposia of the Slovene Slavic Association, the Slovene Society for Comparative Literature and the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language at the Slovene Studies Department of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Obdobja). In 2018, she participated in a scientific symposium on the 120th anniversary of the first Slovenian women's newspaper Slovenka, organised by the SAZU and the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana as the co-author of a monograph on this newspaper. She has published four collections of poetry and in 2019, she became a member of the Society of Slovenian Writers.