Dr. Milan Mrđenović

Research activity
Milan Mrđenović is researching the history of migration and ethnic communities before and during World War II in the United States of America. His work deals with the attitude of the Slovenian ethnic community to significant world events as well as their participation in political and everyday cultural life. Ethnic newspapers, archival material and digitized sources inform his analysis and reconstruction of the culture of thought and the zeitgeist of Slovenian ethnic community in the USA. Digital sources reveal stories of everyday people who have been forgotten in the shadow of historical events and who deserve new attention under the aegis of cultural history.
Research areas and keywords:
Slovenian migration, political participation, US history, cultural history, World War II, US-Soviet relations
Selected publications:
- Mrđenović, Milan. "Odziv ameriških Slovencev na dogodke v Evropi leta 1938 in splošen prikaz političnega stanja na pragu druge svetovne vojne". Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, No. 4, Vol. 88 (2018): 55-87.
- Mrđenović. Milan. "Adamičev odnos do komunizma in Rusije". Borec: revija za zgodovino, literaturo in antropologijo, No. 751/753, Vol. 70 (2018): 105-137, 213-214.
- Mrđenović, Milan. " Odmevi Adamičevih del v ameriškem in slovenskem časopisju med letoma 1931 in 1934". Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu, No. 51, (2020): 95-112.
- Klemenčič, Matjaž, Mrđenović, Milan. "Louis Adamič in druga svetovna vojna v ameriški in slovenski historiografiji", Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu, No. 51, (2020): 77-94.
- Klemenčič, Matjaž, Mrđenović, Milan, Šeruga, Tadej. Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA: študija primerov Clevelanda, Ohio, in Elyja, Minnesota, Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2020.
- Klemenčič, Matjaž, Mrđenović, Milan. "Ameriška politika priseljevanja do leta 1945 in slovenski izseljenci" v: Nadzor migracij na Slovenskem od liberalizma do socializma (ur. Kalc, Aleksej), (2021): 85-114.
- Klemenčič, Matjaž, Mrđenović, Milan. "Odmevi Adamičevega dela Vrnitev v rodni kraj (The Native's Return) v ameriškem časopisju", Slavia Centralis, No. 1, Vol. 15 (2022): 220-232.
- Mrđenović, Milan. Ameriški Slovenci in ameriško-sovjetski odnosi v letih od 1938 do 1945: doktorska disertacija, 2022.
- Mrđenović, Milan, Klemenčič, Matjaž. "Ethnic settlements in the USA, the Slovene case", v: Human Migration in the Last Three Centuries (ur. Muenstermann, Ingrid), IntechOpen Publication 2023.
Curriculum vitae:
Dr. Milan Mrđenović was born in Slovenj Gradec on 8 October 1985. He attended primary and secondary technical school in Ravne na Koroškem. He was interested in studying history from an early age. Mrđenović also graduated Ravne high school. In 2007 he enrolled at the University of History Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. In 2016 he graduated with the thesis "The Soviet Union in the light of Slovenian and American newspapers in the years 1930-1945" under mentoring of Prof. Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič and obtained the title of university graduate historian. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, Department of Anglican and American studies, American studies. In 2022 he defended his doctoral dissertation “American Slovenes and US-Soviet Relations During the Years 1938-1945“under mentorship of Prof. Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič and co-mentorship of Prof. Dr. Igor Maver. He gained experience in researching Slovenian immigration to the USA. During his doctoral studies, he regularly published and wrote contributions for various scientific publications. Since 2023 he has been employed as an assistant at the University of Nova Gorica.