Dr. Daša Tepina

Research activity
Daša Tepina is researching artistic practices, utopias and social movements from the second half of the 19th century onwards. Her work focuses on artistic practices, autonomy, avant-gardes, revolutionary-aesthetic potentials and visual codes, cultural practices of non-alignment and biennial encounters, as well as revolutionary utopias and the history of social movements and anti-authoritarian perspectives. Drawing on archival sources, intrusions and digitised sources, it examines cultural history and social dynamics in the field of art, artistic practices and social movements through a critical discursive sociological analysis.
Research areas and keywords
art, social movements, utopias, non-alignment, artistic practices
Selected publications
- TEPINA, Daša. Revolucionarne utopije : anarhizem v praksah in teorijah, (Zbirka Dialogi, Letn. 21). Maribor: Aristej, 2022.
- GRAFENAUER, Petja, TEPINA, Daša. Cuban representation at the Biennial of Graphic Arts and non-aligned cultural policy. The international journal of cultural policy. [Print ed.], 30/2, 2024, str. 207-219, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2023.2177646.
- TEPINA, Daša, GRAFENAUER, Petja. Art and revolt : from the Socialist Republic of Slovenia to today. Anthropos : časopis za psihologijo in filozofijo ter za sodelovanje humanističnih ved, 56/1, 2024, str. 37-58, DOI: 10.26493/2630-4082.56.37-58.- TEPINA, Daša. Yugoslav–Egyptian cultural relations : a case study of art intersections in Ljubljana and Alexandria in the 1960s and 1970s. V: PREDAN, Barbara (ur.), TEPINA, Daša (ur.). The culture of the non-aligned : the clash of cultural and political narratives. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Press, 2023. Str. 199-221. DOI: 10.51938/9789612971427.
- TEPINA, Daša. Umetniška stičišča : utopije - neuvrščenost. V: PREDAN, Barbara (ur.). Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva : spregledane kulturne izmenjave v senci politike, (Zbirka Vpogledi, 25). Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino: Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, 2022.
- GRAFENAUER, Petja, TEPINA, Daša. Art and rebellion : the struggle for freedom and autonomy at the Ljubljana 2020/2021 protests. Third text, 36/5, 2022, str. 409-428, DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2022.2132025.
- TEPINA, Daša. Anarchism and the history of social movements in Slovenia. Journal of breath research, 2/20, 2021, str. 1-16. DOI: 10.22409/rcc.v2i20.62155.
Dr. Daša Tepina, born 26 December 1982 in Ljubljana, is a sociologist of culture and history and holds a PhD in sociology. She regularly publishes in national and international scientific journals on topics related to art, non-alignment and social movements. In 2022, she published the monograph Revolutionary Utopias: Anarchism in Practices and Theories with the publishing house Aristej. She is currently working on the research project J7-2606 Models and Practices of Global Cultural Exchange and Non-aligned Movement. Research in the Spatio-Temporal Cultural Dynamics and J6-3144 Protests, Art Practices and Culture of Memory in the Post-Yugoslav Context, funded by the Slovenian research agency ARRS. She has been an assistant professor of art theory at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, UL, and a researcher at the Chair of Theory since 2020. She has been an assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica since 2023.