Sen. research assoc. dr. Aleš Vaupotič
Research activity
Aleš Vaupotič is a literary comparatist working on the points of contact between visual/media arts and literature. He is a director of the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana and works as a new media artist and curator.
Research areas and keywords
New media art, intermediality, digital humanities, semiotics
Selected publications
- Vaupotič, Aleš. Vprašanje realizma. Nova Gorica: Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici, 2019.
- Vaupotič, Aleš. »Arhiv v umetnosti.« Likovne besede 110 (2018): 9-26.
- Bovcon, Narvika, Aleš Vaupotič. »Artistic Visualizations and Beyond: A Study of Materializations of a Digital Database. Proceedings of the Conference on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities, September 20th – 21st 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Darja Fišer, Andrej Pančur (ur.). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018. 18-23.
- Bovcon, Narvika, Aleš Vaupotič. »Transmedia Adaptation: A Dialogue of Genres and Communication Media. (Re)Writing Without Borders: Contemporary Intermedial Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts. Brigitte Le Juez (ur.). Champaign (Il.): Common Ground Research Networks. 2018. 101-118.
- Vaupotič, Aleš. »Semiotika in realizem.« Primerjalna književnost 39.2 (2016): 101–119.
- Vaupotič, Aleš, Narvika Bovcon. »Integracija pesniške zbirka Balada za Metko Krašovec Tomaža Šalamuna v medij videa.« Obzorja jezika / Obnebja jezika: Poezija Tomaža Šalamuna. Zvonko Kovač, Krištof Jacek Kozak, Barbara Pregelj (ur.). Zagreb: FF press, 2014. 173-183.
Selected projects
- Historične interpretacije 20. stoletja/Historical interpretations of the 20th century (P6-0347)
- Digitalizacija kulturne dediščine aleksandrink (“Projektno delo z negospodarskim in neprofitnim sektorjem – Študentski inovativni projekti za družbeno korist 2016–2018”)
- Digitalizacija kulturne dediščine Primork in Notranjk (“Projektno delo z negospodarskim in neprofitnim sektorjem – Študentski inovativni projekti za družbeno korist 2016–2020”)
- EDUKA2 – Upravljanje čezmejnega izobraževanja/Per una governance transfrontaliera dell’istruzione (2016-2018)
- Travelling Texts 1790-1914: The Transnational Reception Of Women’s Writing At the Fringes of Europe (1.9.2013-31-8.2016).
- 2011: PhD in literary studies, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.
- 2004: Magister Artium in video and new media, University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design.
- 2001: University of Ljubljana; Faculty of Arts, diploma in comparative literature and literary theory.
- 2019–2022: Associate Professor of Literature, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2012–2017: Assistant Professor of Literature, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2013–2018: Assistant Professor of New Media, Faculty of Design (till 2013 Academy of Design) Ljubljana, University of Primorska.
- 2012–2018: Assistant of Video and New Media, Academy of Fine Art and Design, University of Ljubljana.
- 2007–2012: Lecturer of New Media at the Faculty of Design Ljubljana.
Leadership functions
- 2017–2019: Dean of the School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2016–2017: Acting Dean of the School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2018–2019: Acting Head of the Research Centre for Humanities, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2014–2018: Head of the Research Centre for Humanities, University of Nova Gorica.
- 2003–2005 Vice-President and 2005–2016 President of the Society for Connecting Art and Science ArtNetLab (during which time the Society won the program grant of the Ministry of Culture RS, 2004–2006, several grants for cultural and international collaborations, 2007–2009 and 2014, and a multiyear project grant, 2010–2013; ArtNetLab also held numerous project grants from the Municipality of Ljubljana).
- Curator and director of international festivals of computer arts: International Festival of Computer Arts (MFRU) Maribor 2004–2006 (with the main exhibition curated by Peter Weibel), 1.3 international Festival of Video and New Media (FVNM), Ljubljana, and 8th Pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica.
- 2017: International jury prize at 2017 Salon ZDSLU organized by the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (the Slovenian acronim ZDSLU).
- 2014: Award of distinction at the 2014 May Salon exhibition organized by the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies