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Summer school Intimacy in Women's Writing and Reading

From August 22 to 27, the Intimacy in Women's Writing and Reading Summer School was held, organised by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica, the Association of Writers' Path and the Ceepus Network Women Writers in History. Participants from seven European countries took part in a six-day programme on women writers and intimacy. Activities took place at various locations in Ljubljana, and in Nova Gorica. On the one-day trip they visited Gorizia, Vipava Križ, and Vipava, and the exhibition at the House of »aleksandrinke« in the village Prvačina..

Programme of the summer school


Students Laura Andrei and Eliza Belu about the summer school

Student Michal Kucharski about the summer school

Assist. prof. dr. Maša Grdešić about the summer school

Student Julija Ovsec about the summer school

Student Darko Ilin about the summer school