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Programme of the conference Transformations of Intimacy in the Central and East European Literatures (1890-1920)

Prague / Praha / Praga: 27. 3. - 28. 3. 2024

Meeting hall of the National Library of the Czech Republic / Zasedací sál Národní knihovny České republiky / Sejna dvorana Narodne knjižnice Češke republike

Klementinum 190, 110 00 Praha 1 (1st Floor / 1. patro / 1. nadstropje)

Book of abstracts

Wednesday, March 27, 2024/ Středa/ Sreda, 27. 3. 2024

Registration/ Registrace/ Registracija (9:00–09:30)

9:30–10:00 Opening of the exhibition/ Zahájení výstavy: Slovinská moderna v českém prostředí/ Otvoritev razstave Slovenska moderna v češkem okolju

10:15 Opening Remarks by Conference Organizers/ Zahájení konference/ Uvodni nagovor

10:30–11:30 Keynote Lecture 1/ Vyžádaná přednáška 1/ Osrednje predavanje: Libuše Heczková: Lives Worth Sharing: From the History of Czechoslovak Feminism

Coffee Break /Přestávka na kávu/ Odmor za kavo (11:30–12:00)

Panel 1: Politics and Poetics/ Politika a poetika/ Politika in poetika (12:00–12.45)

Moderator: Primož Mlačnik

Lena Magnone:Couples Modernes: The Literary Couple in Central European Modernist Movements”

Marijan Dović: “Burning Erotika and Ivan Cankar’s Revolution in Slovenian Poetry”

Lunch Break/ Oběd/ Kosilo (12.45–15:00)

Panel 2: From Love to Desire/ Od lásky k touze/ Od ljubezni do hrepenenja (15:00–16:30)

Moderator: Ivana Zajc

Krištof Jacek Kozak: “Femmes fatales in the Imperial-King Monarchy: from Wedekind and Wyspianski to Cankar and Cerkvenik”

Katja Mihurko: “Balkan women in the works of Mara Čop Lenger-Marlet and Zofka Kveder”

Marko Jesenšek: “Med subjektivizmom in čisto idejo”[1]

Lucija Mandić, Darko Ilin: “Long, lust, love: semantic fields of intimacy in Slovenian and Serbian prose at the fin de siècle

Dinner/ Večeře/ Večerja – Restavrace U medvídků, Na Perštyně 345/5, Staré město (19:00)

Thursday, March 28, 2024/ Čtvrtek/ Četrtek, 28.3. 2024

Panel 1: Poetics and Politics/ Poetika a politika / Poetika in politika (9:00–10.15)

Moderator: Darko Ilin

Marija Grujić: “The Cultures of Delineation and Merging: Intimacy and the Shifts of Social Paradigms in the Prose by Borisav Stanković”

Ivana Kočevski: “Defiance of motherhood as inherited tradition and motherhood as a redemption”

Milena Mileva Blažić: The relationship between daughter and father in Ernestina Jelovšek's The Memoirs of Dr Franz Prešeren (1880, 1895)”

Coffee break/ přestávka na kávu / odmor za kavo (10:15–10:30)

Panel 2: Modern Women, Modern Voices/ Moderní ženy, moderní hlasy / Moderne ženske, moderni glasovi (10:30–11:30)

Moderator: Ivana Zajc

Jana Konstincová: “'Passion Does not Coo Like a Dove…' Sophia Parnok’s Hoarse Voice within the Context of Russian Silver Age Women Poetry”

Vita Žerjal Pavlin: “The female voice in Gradnik's love poetry and in Marguerite Burnat-Provins's Le Livre pour toi

Alenka Jensterle Doležal: “Discovering her Voice: The Phenomenon of the New Woman in Two Novels by Růžena Svobodová and Zofka Kveder at the beginning of the 20th Century”

Coffee break/ Přestávka na kávu / Odmor za kavo (11:30–12:00)

Keynote Lecture 2/ Vyžádaná přednáška 2 / Osrednje predavanje 2 (12:00–13:00): Irena Novak Popov: Subjekt, ideali in intima: ženska pesniška govorica v obdobju slovenske moderne[2]

13:00–13:15 Closing Remarks/ Závěrečná slova / Zaključek

Book of abstracts

[1] The paper will be presented in Slovenian.

[2] The lecture will be held in Slovenian.