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Past seminars

19.4.2023 (UNG Rožna Dolina

prof. dr. Maria do Rosàrio Costa (Geology Department - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) - Portugal.), Arsenic in the Environment: case studies from mining areas in Portugal and Slovenia

7.6.2023 ZOOM

Prof. dr. S Sankararaman (Department of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India), DATA MINING IN SINGLE-BEAM THERMAL LENS SIGNA

14. 6. 2023 (UNG Rožna Dolina)

Prof. Dr. Vittorio Venturi (Group Leader of the Bacteriology Group at ICGEB Trieste, Italy), Cell-cell signaling in the plant microbiome

  1. 7. 2023 (UNG Rožna Dolina)

Prof. Chieu D. Tran (Department of Chemistry, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA), Green Synthesis and Applications of High-Performance Composite Materials Derived from Sustainable Sources

26. 7. 2023 (UNG Rožna Dolina)

Dr. Alfredo De Biasio, (KAUST University Saudi Arabia), Application of cutting-edge cryo-EM methodologies to study DNA replication and repair

27. 9. 2023 (ZOOM)

Dr. Stavros Azinas (SciLife Laboratories - University of Stockholm), Cryo-EM uniqueness in structure determination of macromolecular complexes