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Current seminars

  • 16.1.2024 at 15.00

Speaker: Dr. Swapna Nair Sindhu - PostDoc at Laboratoru for Environmental and Life sciences - UNG

Title: Defective heart identification through murmur analysis

Abstract: The rising mortality risk from cardiac disorders necessitates the use of newer methods for better analysis and identification in the field of biomedical engineering. The current research is the first to propose a novel approach to elucidate the promise of phase portrait and graph/network theory in the auscultation of normal and abnormal heart murmurs. Here, feature extraction, relying on phase portrait and complex network measures, coupled with machine learning-based classification, is found to give good results. This study unravels the profound capabilities of these mathematical techniques in the domain of biomedical auscultation

Seminar will be held online via ZOOM.

  • 28.11.2023 ob 3.00 p.m. - online session

Speaker: Dr. Fabio Lapenta - PostDoc at Laboratoru for Environmental and Life sciences - UNG
Title: Understanding the structure and function of the human Vault particle

Abstract: Vaults are large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles with a size of 70 nm × 40 nm and a mass around 13 MDa. Initially reported in 1986, vaults nano-compartments have a distinct ovoidal architecture composed of two symmetric 39-mers shells made of the main protein component of the vault, the major vault protein (MVP). Despite its large size and the high levels of conservation of the vault components, the precise role of this complex in the cell is yet not fully understood. Among the several molecular partners of the vault, the most relevant and well-characterized is the onco-suppressor protein PTEN. However, the exact residues involved in the binding and the structure of the complex have not been revealed, it is only known that this interaction is regulated by Ca(II) ions and might be necessary to mediate the transport of PTEN to the nucleus, leaving a large room for interrogation about the relevance and function of this interaction.

Seminar will be held online via ZOOM.

  • 7. 11. 2023 at 3 p.m.

Speaker: Dr. Thanveer Thajudheen - PostDoc at Materials Research Laboratory - UNG
Title: Bridging Topology and Energy Conversion: The Role of Topological Insulators

Abstract: Topological insulators are intriguing states of matter where we see conductivity at the surface but they are insulators in the bulk. This strangeness is the reason for their functionality and growing interest in them. The intent of the talk is an introduction to topological insulators and their potential applications. Further, we explore the possibility of the creation of self-assembled heterostructures of a topological insulator and a semiconductor and its potential as a photo thermal converter.

Bio-Sketch: MSc at University of Kerala, Project Assistant at CSIR - National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology.
Award: Javni štipendijski sklad (Ad-Futura program) scholarship. Co-founder of Mandelbrot Systems Pvt Ltd, a startup that is developing cable-driven robots. Currently PhD in Physics at University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia.