Scientific meetings organized by CAC
Petnica Summer Institute is organised every summer in Petnica Science Center, Serbia and it covers wide range of topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics. One of the main objectives of PSI is to bring together young students of physics and astronomy from the region of Balkans and give them an opportunity to meet each other and together learn about recent developments in theoretical (astro)physics from their senior colleagues from all around the world. PSI events organized so far are:
- Summer School on Cosmology, 2013
- Summer School on Elementary Particle Physics, 2014
- Summer School on Astrophysics and Astroparticles, 2015
- Summer School on General Relativity, 2016
- Summer School on Cosmology, 2017
- Summer SChool on High Energy Physics, 2018

Future meetings
Past meetings
LSST@Europe5 conference in Poreč, Croatia (Sept 25-29, 2023)
Together with Ruđer Bošković Inst., Croatia, and the University of Belgrade, Serbia, we have organised the LSST@Europe5 conference in Poreč, Croatia.
More info here.

CTAO/SME Workshop in Vipava on 7 November 2019
First meeting of the CEEPUS network, May 13-15, 2019, Vipava
CIII-SI-1314-01-1819 'Multi-messenger Astrophysics in Cetral Europe (ASTRO.CE)’ is a network coordinated by the CAC/UNG, that contains participation from the Universities of Banja Luka, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Rijeka and Skopje. The first meeting was held on May 13-15, 2019 in Lanthieri Mansion, Vipava and was also supported by the proESOF initiative.
The ninth OPTICON Gaia Science Alerts workshop, 8-10 October, 2018, Vipava
This meeting provided an opportunity to learn about Gaia and to find out about most recent scientific highlights from Gaia Alerts.

IAU Symposium, New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics, 12-16 September, 2016, Ljubljana
This event, organized by Prof, Dr. Andreja Gomboc, is the first meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) organized in Slovenia. The meeting was focused on different aspects of the physics of black holes and their environments.

Sixth IDPACS PhD School, 23 May-01 June, 2016, Vipava

IDPASC is a network of Universities dedicated to training of PhD students in the fields of Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. We hosted a sixth in series of their annual PhD schools in the Lanthieri mansion in Vipava.

Time and Matter Conferences
The primary aim of the Time and Matter conference series was to provide a meeting place for ideas from various fields of physics and philosophy that are committed to a study of the concepts of time and matter. With the experimental advances in collider-based particle physics, both at the energy and at the luminosity frontier, we entered a renaissance for new physics searches at microscopic scales with both direct searches for new particles and rare decay modes and indirect searches for physics beyond the standard model through precision measurements of its parameters. The events between 2007-2013 were organized by professor Samo Stanič. Proceedings: