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Public Outreach

Regular science communication events

Press coverage in 2024

Events in 2024

Press coverage in 2023

Events in 2023

2nd GoChile summer school

  • 08.07.2023 - Lecture by dr. Andreja Gomboc, followed by telescope observations before Pomnik braniteljem slovenske zemlje na Cerju event at KD Stanko Vuk Miren in Orehovlje, https://www.mojaobcina.si/miren-kostanjevica/dogodki/astronomski-vecer-8.html
  • 24.05.2023 - As part of the Parade of knowledge (Tednih vseživljenjskega učenja https://www.lu-ajdovscina.si/tedni-vsezivljenjskega-ucenja-2023-v-ajdovscini/ ) our students made an amusing resonance plate and showed it at the stand during the fair in the square of Ajdovščina. See the video here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cso9ay6Il8a/?igshid=ZWQyN2ExYTkwZQ==
  • 19.05.2023 - We hosted the pupils from the primary schools OŠ Šturje and OŠ Col, they had the chance to do an interactive experiment in our Materials Science lab and visit the labs. They also listened to a lecture by Prof. Andreja Gomboc on the changing sky.
  • 15.05.2023 - We hosted the high school students from Veno Pilon, they had the chance to listen to a lecture by Prof. Andreja Gomboc and visit our research labs.
  • 26.01.2023 - We hosted 45 high school students from Slovenska Bistrica, they had the chance to hear a presentation about our faculty and the research we are doing.

Press coverage in 2022

Events in 2022

  • On Monday, November 7th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., we invite you to a public outreach event in the Amphitheater of the School of Science in Ajdovščina. The event will consist of a public lecture by Veronika Vodeb, titled "Po poti odkrivanja temne snovi," followed by telescope observations of the Moon, Jupyter, and Saturn. The event is organized in collaboration with the Astronomical society Nanos, the Veno Pilon high-school, and local primary schools.
  • On Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 10:30 a.m., we invite you to a public lecture, which will be given by the honorary doctor of the University of Nova Gorica, prof. Dr. Heino Falcke (Radboud University Nijmegen), entitled The first photograph of a black hole. Read more...
  • During the activities of the University Week 2022, which this year is 03. - 07. 10. 2022, we will hold a stargazing party in Nova Gorica on Friday, 07. 10. 2022. The evening will start with a lecture titled "The path to dark matter discovery" at the France Bevk public library in Nova Gorica. After the lecture, it is time for snacks, drinks, and stargazing. Warm welcome! Read more...
  • We are participating at INCASTRA (https://incastra.si)  30.09 - 01.10.2022, two days of Industry and Entrepreneurship in Ajdovscina
  • We participated in the Day of technical culture (17.09.2022, Dan tehnične kulture Goriške 2022) 
Participants of the first GoChile summer school
  • The first summer school in astronomy with GoChile telescope (26-31.08.2022) https://www.ung.si/sl/obvestila/dogodek/19/poletna-sola-astronomije-gochile/
  • CAC was invited to participate in the largest scout event in Slovenia (Taborniški ZLET 2022); there were 700 high school students and 300 volunteers. We did telescope observations, lectures, and astronomical quizzes, under the dark skies of the mountain near Cerkno.
Observations of the Moon in Cerkno

Press coverage in 2021

Events in 2021

  • On September 24, 2021, we participated in the European Researchers’ Night 2021. From the Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology, Dr. Saptashwa Bhattacharyya will speak about the gASTRONOMIC experience – Energetic breakfast at Cherenkov Telescope Array (the theme is Virtual Scientific snacks). Check out the full program here.

Press coverage in 2020

Events in 2019

  • On 16.10.2019, 17:00-21:00, as part of the University week, we will hold an astronomical evening at the School of Science in Ajdovščina, with various fun experiments, telescope observations, and a lecture. The full university-wide program is here.
  • On Friday, 27.09.2019, we participate in the European Researchers’ Night. First, at Kavarna Stolp in Ajdovščina, there will be a Science Espresso with dr. Tanja Petrushevska at 12:00. From 16:00 to 20:00 at the School of Science in Ajdovščina, we offer various fun experiments, telescope observations, and a lecture at 18:00.
  • From Solar eclipse to black holes: On May 29th, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Solar eclipse, which confirmed Einstein’s theory of relativity. To celebrate this important milestone, we will host an event at the university center in Ajdovščina. We invite you to visit us and participate in a lecture about the importance of the Solar eclipse in 1919, together with some recent discoveries in astronomy, including the first-ever image of a black hole in galaxy M87. After the lecture, we will organize a fun astronomical quiz, and before the lecture, in case of clear weather, we will observe the Sun with telescopes. You are invited to join us on 29th May at 15h at the university center in Ajdovščina, Vipavska cesta 11c.
  • We will celebrate Woman's day in Astronomy 2019 on February 11. The event will start at 17h and will include a presentation on woman astrophysicists, quizzes, and sky observations. Everyone is invited!
  • Fermi masterclass 2019 – Join us on April 5 to participate in the analysis of astrophysics data together with four Italian institutions!

Press coverage in 2018

Events in 2018

  • During the University Week of the UNG, October 18th, 2018 – CAC organized a lecture, three interactive workshops, and telescope observations.
  • Einstein Day, March 13th, 2018 – Lecture about Einstein's contribution to physics and interactive workshop at Ajdovscina

CAC in media
