Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology

Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology is the largest research group in Slovenia involved in astroparticle physics, high-energy and multi-messenger astrophysics.
In brief
Combining the information carried by different cosmic messengers: photons, charged cosmic particles, neutrinos and gravitational waves, is the key for achieving a more complete, unified picture of the Universe, its constituents, their interactions and high-energy processes. Our primary goal is to investigate phenomena related to extreme energies in nature and push forward the knowledge frontier.
Research activities of the CAC group are focused on the searches of extremely energetic astrophysical sources, transient astrophysical phenomena, dark matter and possible mechanisms responsible for the matter – anti-matter asymmetry in the Universe. As a rule these activities take place within international research collaborations.
GoChile - the first Slovenian telescope in Chile
GoChile is an educational and non-profit project of the University of Nova Gorica and the Spika astronomy magazine. It is used by physics and astrophysics students of the School of Science of the University of Nova Gorica, high school students, and amateur astronomers. Read more...