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University of Nova Gorica in the year 2023

Date of publication: 25. 1. 2024

Overview of the most prominent articles and achievements of colleagues from the University of Nova Gorica in 2023.

Overview of the most prominent articles of colleagues from the University of Nova Gorica.

Number Reference Authors IF
1. J Allergy Clin Immunol A de Marco 14,3
2. Nature Photonics E Allaria, G De Ninno 39,7
3. Nature communications X. Mengjun, .... A. Mavrič, M. Valant, et al. 16,6
4. Nature communications Q. Wu, .... A. Mavrič, M. Valant, et al. 16,6
5. Nature Photonics PK Maroju, … G. De Ninno, et al. 39,7
6. Nature Methods DJ Nieves, .... A de Marco et al. 48,0
7. Advanced Energy Materials K.C. Ranjeesh,... T. Škorjanc et al. 27,8
8. Advanced Science K.C. Ranjeesh,... T. Škorjanc et al. 15,1
9. Physical Review X D Faccialà,... G. De Ninno, et al. 14,4
10. Journal of Hazardous Materials N. Elmerhi, ... T. Škorjanc et al. 13,6

More on articles in attachment.

Overview of the most prominent achievements of colleagues from the University of Nova Gorica.

Number Description Reference
1. Zois Lifetime Achievement Award Danilo Zavrtanik, Honorary Rector of UNG, received the Zois Lifetime Achievement Award.
2. The first Slovenian computer test of comprehension of sentences in Slovenian, available in the form of the JERA online application STEPANOV, Artur, PAVLIČ, Matic, PUŠENJAK DORNIK, Nika, STATEVA, Penka. 2023. JERA: Test sposobnosti razumevanja stavkov v slovenskem jeziku. Nova Gorica: Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici.
3. Article in the reference section MARUŠIČ, Franc. 2023. Circumfixation. V P. Ackema s sod. (ur.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology.
4. Membership of a UNESCO committee In January 2023, Franc Marušič became a member of the UNESCO Ad-Hoc Expert Committee of the World Atlas of Languages.
5. PISMA website with new features Inclusion of the Humanities Research Centre and this website in the Slovenian and European network of civic sciences, and presentation of the project as an example of good practice at the network’s conference.
6. Publication of a dictionary Terminological dictionary of automatic control, systems and robotics , KARBA, Rihard, KOCIJAN, Juš, BAJD, Tadej, ŽAGAR KARER, Mojca, KARER, Gorazd. Springer, 2023.  Intelligent systems, control and automation, vol. 104.
7. Milka and Metod Badjura Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 The recipient of this year’s highest national award in the field of film is cinematographer Rado Likon. Since 2009, he has been sharing his knowledge and valuable experience in the field of film and video technology with students at the School of Arts.
8. Venice Architecture Biennale Saša Dobričič organised the 1st Research Forum on African Landscapes at the Venice Architecture Biennale in cooperation with the European university network UNISCAPE.
9. International Federation of Landscape Architect-Associazione Ialiana Architetti Paesaggisti As a guest speaker, Saša Dobričič presented the cross-border green spatial strategies of the European Capital of Culture 2025.

More on achievements in attachment.