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Efforts to alleviate the consequences of the natural disaster in 2023

Date of publication: 8. 8. 2023

Slovenia has been struck with the worst elementary disaster in its history. In the recent floods our region was relatively less damaged in comparison to other regions.

In an effort to alleviate the consequences of the natural disaster UNG adopted the following measures:

  • for each humanitarian contribution that employees of the UNG would donate to any of humanitarian organization in Republic of Slovenia with the aim of alleviating the consequences of the natural disaster, UNG will from its funds obtained in the market donate the same amount to "Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije";

  • every UNG employee has in accordance to the "Kolektivna pogodba za raziskovalno dejavnost" (Art. 55.a) the right to apply for up to 5 days of paid absence from work for the cases of elementary disasters (in case of damage on personal property);

  • every UNG employee has in accordance to the "Kolektivna pogodba za negospodarstvo" (Art. 29) the right to apply for 1 day of paid absence from work for the case of errands that can not be postponed (in case of help to others who have suffered in the floods);

  • in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 40 of the Higher Education Act, and in response to the call from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation dated August 8, 2023, an extension of the enrolment deadline for study programs at the University of Nova Gorica until October 27, 2023 is proposed to the university Senate. At the same time, the academic calendar for the academic year 2022/23 would be modified so that the autumn examination period concludes on October 13, 2023. Decision of the Senate is expected in a week time.