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Establishment of the Centre for Green Technologies

Date of publication: 1. 12. 2022

Following the decisions of the Municipal Council of the City Municipality of Nova Gorica and the Governing board of UNG, the University of Nova Gorica (UNG) and the City Municipality of Nova Gorica have established the Centre for Green Technologies (CEGT).

The purpose of the CEGT is to offer professional, educational, administrative, and above all, infrastructural support to progressive and innovative ideas in the field of green and sustainable innovations in the transition to their widespread use in industry, agriculture, and in urban and natural environments.

The goal of the CEGT is thus to create a support and development centre that will be the central hub in Slovenia and Central and Southern Europe for all activities related to the promotion of sustainable development.

The establishment of the CEGT represents an initial but long-planned step in realising one of the UNG’s strategic goals, intensifying its research and development activities and cooperation with the economy on a local and wider level.