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University of Nova Gorica with partners obtainted funding for the European COFUND research project

Date of publication: 6. 7. 2022

University of Nova Gorica (UNG) with partners obtainted funding for the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND research project SMASH, a study of machine learning in science and humanities.

Photo: Mike MacKenzie, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

The project in which UNG is the leading coordinating institution will be funded by 10 million euros, half of which will be contributed by the European Commission and half by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of Republic of Slovenia.

As a principal investigator, Prof. Gabrijela Zaharijaš, who is the director of the doctoral study program Physics at UNG and a researcher at the Center of Astrophysics and Cosmology of UNG, convinced demanding international reviewers with the research excellence of her past work and of the proposal. Together with several close coworkers (Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc, Prof. Dr. Griša Močnik) she will coordinate the research activities for the next 5 years.

In the framework of the project, 50 postdoc positions will be funded, for studies in diverse fields of climate change, personalised medicine, astrophysics and communication, using the Slovenian supercomputer facility Vega. Postdoctoral researchers will perform their research at five institutions, beside UNG also at University of Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenian Environment Agency and Institute of Information Science IZUM.

The project is distinguished by a wide collaboration of Slovenian and international institutions and companies. Among the 32 institutions from all over the world collaborating in the project, beside the above mentioned there are also Cosylab, d. d., Sinergise, d. o. o., SISSA Trieste, CERN Geneva, Queen Mary University London, UC Berkley and University of Washington.


Andreja Leban, Public Relations
T: +396 5 62 05 827
E: andreja.leban@ung.si