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University of Nova Gorica and University of the United Arab Emirates start talks on cooperation in biotechnology and astrophysics

Date of publication: 31. 3. 2022

Yesterday, the Vice-rector for Sustainable Development and Technology at the University of Nova Gorica Prof. Dr. Matjaž Valant and the mayor of the Municipality of Nova Gorica Dr. Klemen Miklavič met with the Vice-Rector of the University of the United Arab Emirates Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ali Murad in Dubai. The participants of the meeting agreed on closer cooperation between the two universities.

Compared to the University of the United Arab Emirates, the University of Nova Gorica is a young and small university, so their willingness to work together and partner on research activities is a real recognition for all of us working to further develop the Goriška region. Our focus on the development and research of green technologies was decisive for the start of these talks since, due to the limited availability of some natural resources, sustainability is an ever more important topic in the Arab world”, said Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Valant when concluding the meeting. He added that they were “particularly impressed by our plan to establish a Centere for Green Technologies along with corresponding university activities, which the University is working on together with the Municipality of Nova Gorica.

The participants agreed on further joint research projects and cooperation in building research capacities at both universities. Among other things, the University of the United Arab Emirates is interested in further cooperation in the fields of biotechnology and astrophysics. An agreement on long-term cooperation and funding of research projects is also in the works, which is a great opportunity for the University of Nova Gorica, as the University of the United Arab Emirates is one of the most prestigious universities in the region.

The Arab world offers many opportunities not only in the business world but also in the exchange of expertise. Since I have lived and worked in the Middle East myself, I know that the Arabs are tough negotiators who are convinced only by knowledge and hard work, so I congratulate the University of Nova Gorica all the more for this exceptional start of cooperation”, commented the Mayor of Nova Gorica Dr. Klemen Miklavič.

The Vice-Rector and the Mayor were part of a wider delegation from the Goriška region that was attending EXPO Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Andreja Leban, Public Relations