University of Nova Gorica and URBiNAT at Venice Biennale d'Architettura 2021
On the occasion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, the Biennale Architettura 2021, various aspects of the URBiNAT project were presented by partners of the project during a special workshop hosted by the University of Nova Gorica partner of the URBiNAT-HORIZON 2020 project.
During the workshop project partners discussed the innovative approaches in urban regeneration, with a focus on social housing neighbourhoods, public spaces and the co-creation, with citizens, of new social and nature-based relations and solutions within and between different neighbourhoods. URBiNAT is focusing on the extension of the concept of nature-based solutions to integrate participatory solutions also to the social and solidarity economy.
The workshop has been also the occasion to announce events that will be taking place in connection with Nova Gorica & Gorizia 2025, European Capital of Culture.
The event will be held inside Biennale, in the Arsenale complex, in the so called “Sala delle Armi”.
More information: URBiNAT: Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature