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Head of the laboratory for organic matter physics (m/f)

Date of publication: 10. 1. 2022
Jobs external

The research activities of the Laboratory for Organic Matter Physics are carried out in two fields: in the field of 2D materials and their VdW heterostructures and in the field of organic electronics. The main topic are electronic properties of materials that are interesting as novel electronic components including organic solar cells and organic thin film transistors.
Deadline for applications: 31. 1. 2022

We are looking for a highly motivated colleague who will take over the running of the laboratory and guide its future development to reflect the university’s strategic objectives. We are seeking candidates interested in pursuing a rewarding research and academic career at the University of Nova Gorica, in a dynamic research environment with strong ties to the international research arena.

To be considered for the position, you should:

  • have a doctorate in the field covered by the laboratory;
  • meet the requirements for leading research projects;
  • have good organizational and leadership skills;
  • have at least five years’ work experience;
  • have a knowledge of Slovenian and English to C1 level.

The successful applicant will take up the position on 1 February 2022. The employment contract will be for full-time working hours for a fixed term of four years, with the possibility of reappointment.

You must attach the following to your application:

  • a curriculum vitae;
  • proof that you meet the requirements;
  • a reference list of scholarly and specialist publications;
  • a cover letter with a brief description of your vision for developing the laboratory in the international sphere;
  • contact details for references.

Shortlisted candidates will also be asked to submit extended details of their vision for the development of the laboratory.

Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2022. Please send your application, along with proof that you meet the requirements for the post, to tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si. Applications should be sent as a single email attachment, in PDF format.
