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Research assistant with PhD or assistant professor in the field of computer science (m/f)

Date of publication: 3. 2. 2021
Jobs external

The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of research assistant with PhD or assistant professor in the field of computer science.
Deadline for applications: 10. 3. 2021

We are seeking candidates interested in pursuing a rewarding academic career at the University of Nova Gorica. We offer a dynamic research environment with a focus on the involvement in international research collaborations.

The successful candidate will become a part of the Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology group and will be expected to contribute to the research and development of analysis and simulation tools for experiments in astrophysics, in particular for the Cherenkov Telescope Array and/or LSST Vera. C. Rubin Observatory projects. He/she will also assume teaching duties at the School of Engineering and Management
and/or the School of Science of the University of Nova Gorica in computer science related topics.

The successful candidate will be expected to start work as soon as possible after the selection process has been completed. Employment is offered for full-time working hours over a fixed term of one plus one year, with the possibility of tenure track.

To be considered for the position, the candidates must: * have a doctorate of science in computer science, physics, astrophysics or astronomy; * experience with coding in C++, python and other relevant languages; * have experience with of unix based systems, distributed computing or high performance computing; * have a good command of the English language.

The following documents must be attached to the application: * curriculum vitae with a description of previous research experience; * list of scientific publications; * motivational letter; * contact details of two references.

Please send your application and the relevant documents to tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si.
The application should be sent in electronic form as a single PDF e-mail attachment.



Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: +386 5 6205 822
e-mail: tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si