Assistant / junior researcher (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica is offering three assistant / junior researchers positions in the fields of astrophysics and environmental science.
Deadline for applications: 31. 7. 2021.
We welcome candidates for assistant / junior researcher (doctoral candidate) positions at the student-friendly and research-oriented University of Nova Gorica. Successful candidates will join research activities in the Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology, and the Laboratory for Environmental and Life sciences. Both provide dynamic research environment supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure through involvement in international research collaborations, which successful candidates are expected to join. As part of their four-year training, successful candidates will enroll with the Graduate School (for PhD programs in Physics and in Environmental Sciences and will complete their studies upon defense of their doctoral dissertation. The positions pertain to the following PhD advisers:
* doc. dr. Tanja Petrushevska: research in the field of astrophysical transients.
- prof. dr. Andrej Filipčič: research of extremely energetic cosmic particles with the Pierre Auger observatory.
Environmental science
* doc. dr. Iain R. White: research into biomarkers of human exposure to air pollution.
Candidates for these positions are required to meet the conditions for junior researcher funding by the Slovenian Research Agency, as stated in Article 113 of their Rules on (Co)Financing and Assessment Procedures and Monitoring the Conducting of Research (main requirements are: age limit 28 years, second level (master) degree or equivalent, and GPA above 80%).
The following must be attached to the application:
* a short motivational letter;
* CV;
* a copy of your degree certificate, list of passed exams, grade point average and other relevant documents.
Please send your application, along with the required attachments which evidence the fulfillment of the formal requirements by the Slovenian Research Agency by e-mail to
no later than 31 July 2021. The application should be sent as a single PDF e-mail attachment.
If you have any questions relating to the application procedure, please contact: Tea Stibilj Nemec, tel. +386 5 6205 822, e-mail
Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: +386 5 6205 822