Dean of the School of Environmental Sciences (m/f)
The University of Nova Gorica announces the open position for the dean of the School of Environmental Sciences.
Deadline for applications: 31. 1. 2022.
Candidates, both male and female, should fulfill the general employment conditions defined by law and should: * have a PhD degree in a field relevant to the School’s activities, * hold at least the title of assistant professor or the qualifications to be elected to such title; * meet the requirements for leading research projects; * have good organizational and leadership skills; * have at least five years’ work experience; * have a knowledge of Slovenian and English to at least C1 level.
Candidates selected for the shortlist will be invited to submit an vision for development of the faculty, both in terms of education and research.
The position will be available immediately after conclusion of the selection process. Employment contracts will be concluded for full-time working hours for a fixed term of four years, with the possibility of re-appointment.
The following must be attached to applications for all the positions: * curriculum vitae; * evidence of meeting the requirements; * a reference list of scholarly and specialist publications; * a cover letter with a brief description of the vision for developing the school in the international sphere; * contact details for references.
Please send your application, along with proof that you meet the requirements, in electronic form to
The application should be sent as a single pdf e-mail attachment.
Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: +386 5 6205 822