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Open Education for a Better World Eduscope 2020

Date of publication: 24. 6. 2020

The University of Nova Gorica and the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) are announcing Open Education for a Better World Eduscope 2020 (OE4BW Eduscope 2020) which will take place from 29 June to 2 July, 2020 entirely online via MiTeam Platform - https://oe4bw.miteam.si/.

The event will be organized in four tracks, namely Open Education for a Better World Workshop, Festival, Exhibition and Marketplace. "Open Education for a Better World Festival" is open for all and is organized also as one of the events celebrating 25th Anniversary of the University of Nova Gorica. Additional information and the programme of the event are available at http://oe4bw.ijs.si/event-2020/.