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Post-doctoral associate in the Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics (m/f)

Date of publication: 25. 10. 2019
Jobs external

The University of Nova Gorica has a vacancy for the position of post-doctoral associate in the Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics.

Deadline for applications: 15. 11. 2019

The Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia has an opening for a post-doctoral associate in experimental physics of two-dimensional heterostructures. A Ph.D. in experimental solid-state physics is a requirement. Areas of research for the of this position include: characterization of charge transport in two-dimensional heterostructures and in blends of organic semiconductors and 2D materials by time-dependent photoconductivity. The successful candidate will also be expected to s teach physics classes at the School of sciences of the University of Nova Gorica. The position is for one year with a possible extension. A preference will be given to the candidates with an exceptional scientific track record, which warrants an academic title of Assistant professor, and their application for the title at the School of sciences will be sponsored by the Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics.

Please provide the following documents, when applying for this position: * curriculum vitae comprising a detailed description of the research experience, * list of publications, * two recommendation letters.

Applications should be sent by e-mail as a single file in pdf format to the University of Nova Gorica personnel office, tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si.

Applications arriving before 15. 11. 2019 will receive a full consideration.

For more information regarding the research position please send enquiries to Prof. dr. Gvido Bratina, e-mail: gvido.bratina@ung.si

For administrative information please contact: Mrs. Stibilj Nemec, phone +386 5 620 85 22, e-mail: tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si

About the Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics University of Nova Gorica Slovenia

The Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics University of Nova Gorica carries out a range of fundamental and applied research in organic electronics and two-dimensional materials, with the emphasis on charge transport in thin layers of organic semiconductors and blends of organic semiconductors and graphene. To this end we operate a unique experimental setup for measuring time-dependent photoconductivity, coupled to a complete sample fabrication facility including a clean-room with 1-micron-photolithography, a glove-box with integrated metallization chamber and organic thin film fabrication facilities ranging from evaporation to liquid-based methods. Graphene-based heterostructures are fabricated by a dedicated flake manipulation apparatus. Sample characterization is performed by two scanning probe microscopes. The group has also full access to an array of advanced characterization techniques including FEG SEM and TEM and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The group regularly collaborates with several important groups across Europe focusing on organic electronics and graphene and is a partner member of the Graphene Flagship. The Laboratory of Organic Matter Physics offers a competitive salary, which complements nicely the renowned high-quality of living in Slovenia, known for its safety, unspoiled nature and friendly people.



Tea Stibilj Nemec
phone: +386 5 6205 822
e-mail: tea.stibilj.nemec@ung.si