Scientific evenings
University of Nova Gorica invites to the lecture "The Role of Innovation in Energy Transition to Zero-Carbon Future" by Dr. Dejan Paravan (GEN-I, d. o. o.).
Lecture will take place on Thursday, 12 December 2019, at 7 p.m. at the Lanthieri mansion in Vipava.
Lecture will be in English.
Climate change is one of the most important issues faced by today societies. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable and carbon-free energy sources is mandatory. However, the energy transition is a challenging process, since the current energy system was mainly build with fossil fuels being the main primary source. The solution is power of technological development and innovation.
The lecture presents innovation activities in company GEN-I, which is one of the fastest growing and most innovative companies on the European energy market. Innovation is at the core of development of new products and services, which help end-consumers pave the path toward lowering their carbon footprint.
Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 620 58 27