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Course in Open Education Design

Date of publication: 15. 6. 2018

University of Nova Gorica and UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning at the Jožef Stefan Institute organize a 5-day course on Open Education Design from 2nd to 6th July 2018 in Vipava, Slovenia.

The aim of the course is to equip the participants with basic knowledge, practical advice and hands-on experience to prepare them for their own design of Open Educational Resources (OER). The participants will get familiar with open education design processes, methods and tools. They will learn how to align open education with developmental and strategic goals. They will get basic knowledge about open education concepts, about pedagogical and didactical issues as well as about content related issues in open education. They will learn from OER experts and practitioners. Come and be prepared for the changes that education will face in the near future. The event will take place in the premises of the University of Nova Gorica in a beautiful Lanthieri Mainson in Vipava. (Note that Vipava Valley has been declared as one of the Top 10 destinations to visit in Europe in 2018 by Lonely Planet!)

For more information about the program, speakers and registration please visit http://unesco.ijs.si/event/open-education-design/.


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 620 58 27
E: andreja.leban@ung.si