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European Researchers' Night 2020 at the University of Nova Gorica

Date of publication: 27. 11. 2020

European Researchers’ Night at the University of Nova Gorica – online for first time

What is the European Researchers’ Night?

European Researchers’ Night, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), is a Europe-wide public event that brings researchers closer to the public. The Night provides researchers the opportunity to showcase the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives, and to stimulate interest in research careers – especially among young people. This year, the University of Nova Gorica joined the European Researchers’ Night project Noč ima svojo moč as a third partner. The project will bring together more than 30 cultural, research and educational institutions across Slovenia, and several ten thousands of individuals of different target groups are expected to join the events.

European Researchers’ Night 2020 at the University of Nova Gorica – online for first time

As a research and educational institution, the mission of the University of Nova Gorica is also to raise the awareness of the general public on the importance of research and innovation, and of their impact on the society, economy and the career orientation of the young. To inspire the young for research-oriented professions we prepared a set of activities for secondary schools, covering topics in humanities, arts and natual sciences.

Due to this year’s challenging circumstances and the Covid-19 restrictions, all our activities will, for the first time ever, be carried out online, in the form of live webinars as well as pre-recorded lectures and presentations. We are glad that numerous schools from our wider cross-border region will host our webinars during lessons of various subjects and give their students the opportunity to learn about the latest discoveries in science. Another event which will hopefully inspire the young to take up any of the research-related professions is also the virtual Scientific Café with two young researchers from the University of Nova Gorica, streamed live on the Facebook page Noč ima svojo moč.

For all those who are unable to follow live online events on on 27th November 2020, we have also prepared pre-recorded lectures and an online movie collection dealing with the intersection of art, science and technology. The highlight of the programme is the lecture titled Black holes by a renowned researcher, astrophysicist and professor at the University of Nova Gorica Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc. The lecture has been prepared in cooperation with the “Lavrič Library Ajdovščina”.

Programme of events

Webinars for schools

Live webinars covering various topics in natural sciences and humanities will be hosted by various schools during regular online classes.

Cooperating schools:

Recorded lectures

Main lecture: Black Holes, lecturer Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc. The lecture has been prepared in cooperation with the Lavrič Library Ajdovščina.

Scientific Cafe

Join the virtual virtual Scientific Cafe titled On black holes, tidal disruption of stars and other interesting astronomical facts with young researchers of the University of Nova Gorica Katja Bricman and Taj Jankovič.
The event will take place on the Zoom platform on the 27th November 2020 (Please register on the website Noč ima svojo moč).

Online movie collection of the School of Arts

Check out the online movie collection dealing with the intersection of art, science and technology.

Invitation to schools

We would like to invite schools to join the activities of the European Researcher’s Night 2020 and host our online webinars, presentations, round tables and workshops, while the dates and topics can be adapted to the wishes and needs of individual schools.
Contact: veronika.piccinini@ung.si

Invitation for the general public

If you are interested in knowing more on “how science works” and how it affects our lives, join our online events of on 27th November 2020, organised by the partners of the project Noč ima svojo moč.

Full programme of events

Cordially invited!