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Date of publication: 9. 7. 2014

In the context of Media Arts and Practices study programme, the University of Nova Gorica School of Arts, in cooperation with the Academy of Applied Arts of University of Rijeka, Graz University of Technology and University of Udine, as partner institutions in ADRIART project, is organizing a festival called MAP in MOTION, which is being held separately at different locations.

Photo: Valerié Wolf Gang

The Ljubljana edition of the MAP in MOTION festival will on July 14 see a symposium and exhibition and in late summer a screening and a dance-theatre show. The symposium will present specific progressive parts of the internationally oriented master programme in Media Arts and Practices. An important part of the symposium presents the artist talk, where artists-students are given the possibility to present their work. In the last part of the symposium we invite to an public discussion »Studying in art – Studio in the city«, and later in the evening to a guided tour and vernissage of the exhibition of works by students from University of Nova Gorica School of Arts and Academy of Applied Arts of University of Rijeka in Alkatraz Gallery.

The symposium, scheduled for July 14, 2014, from 11:00 to 15:30, will take place at the SCCA Project room (Metelkova 6) and will consist of three parts. In the first part, Rene Rusjan and Igor Eškinja will be presenting the Media Arts and Practices study programme, while Peter Purg and Daniela Brasil will talk about international production workshops. In the second part invited students from Gorica and Rijeka, Lavoslava Benčić, Urška Djukić Pila Rusjan aka Polona Zupan, Valerie Wolf Gang aka Valerija Zabret – UNG; Sara Salamon, Liberta Mišan, Antonio Kiselić - APURI, will present their works in the format of an artist talk. In the last part of the symposium we invite to an public discussion Studying in art – Studio in the city, moderated by Rene Rusjan and Peter Purg, with the following participants: Janez Burger, Robert Černelč, Daniela Brasil, Tomislav Brajnović, Ingeborg Füllep, and Jasna Hribernik.

The exhibition of student works opens on the same day from 11 on at Alkatraz Gallery, with a guided tour and vernissage at 20:00. The exhibition will feature the works of the following students: Lavoslava Benčić, Iva Musović, Urška Djukić, Polona Zupan aka Pila Rusjan, Valerija Zabret aka Valerie Wolf Gang, Liberta Mišan, Sara Salamon, Nina Zimmermann, Monika Rusak. The exhibition closes on July 16, 2014.

The second part of the Ljubljana MAP IN MOTION festival will present the dance theatre show premiere Shakespeare in Tango by Blaž Bertoncelj in Španski Borci on August 20, at 20:00, and on September 3, at 21:00, Rajko Grlić and Janez Burger will officially open the screening of selected films developed within the MAP programme and the last edition of the HiLoVv - Hidden Livers of Venice project, devoted to the Venetian neighbourhood of the Ghetto. The screening will feature films made by the following students: Denis Barbić, Francesco Cartigheddu, Jaka Čurlič, Urška Djukić, Alexia Eberl, Renata Fugošić, Sara Ghiani, Dominik Grdić, Jasmina Lozar, Gregor Mörth, Peter Mišic, Katja Munda Rakar, Dylan Mundy Clowry, Iva Musović, Monika Rusak, Cornelia Steiner, Claudia Spinelli, Gašper Uršič et al.

The supporting program of MAP in MOTION Ljubljana will include a screening of films in Kinodvor café in September. The multilocal and multitemporal festival has begun in Rijeka, where it consisted of a public discussion, exhibition and screening of student works. The discussion focused on the topics relevant for the future of the new study program and its integration into the local social surroundings. MAP in MOTION will be held in Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Rijeka, Zagreb and Graz.



Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397
E: andreja.leban@ung.si