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Signing of the Agreement on Collaboration between the University of Nova Gorica and Air University from Islamabad

Date of publication: 17. 12. 2013

At the end of November, the Rector of the University of Nova Gorica, Prof. Dr. Danilo Zavrtanik and the Vice Chancellor of the Air University from Islamabad, Prof. Dr. Ijaz A. Malik signed an agreement on mutual collaboration in the areas of faculty and student exchange, joint study programs, collaboration at scientific projects and projects involving the industry.

The official signing of the agreement on the part of the Air University happened on 27 November, 2013, as part of the international conference ICOMS 2013 - International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, which took place at Air University in Islamabad. The conference chair was Prof. Dr. Afzaal M. Malik. The formal festivity also included high guests like Mr. Muhammad Baligh-ul-Rehman, the Pakistani Minister for Education, Trainings, and Standards in Higher Education, as well as the management board, the faculty, and the students of Air University. At the ceremony, the University of Nova Gorica was represented by Prof. Dr. Božidar Šarler, who was invited to participate at the ICOMS conference as a plenary speaker.

Air University is an elite and quickly developing university, focused predominantly on modern engineering, specially avionics, aeronautics, and modern materials. Both institutions hope that the signing of the agreement promises the expansion of fruitful collaboration which, in fact, started with a one-year visiting teaching position of the Pakistani professor, Dr. Siraj-ul-Islam at the University of Nova Gorica in 2010.

Andreja Leban, Public Relations