RESEARCH POST (m/f) in the field of MATERIALS

Date of publication: 16. 2. 2011

The University of Nova Gorica is openning RESEARCH POST (m/f) in the field of MATERIALS

The post is opened in Materials Research Laboratory headed by prof. dr. Matjaz Valant. Candidates are expected to meet the following criteria:

  • hold a PhD in Material Science or related fields (i.e. Solid State Chemistry or Physics)
  • be able to join the existing research teams at University and perform the research on inorganic synthesis and photocatalytic materials
  • be prepared to teach two to four hours a week.
  • speak and write English fluently Please send your application with the evidence that you meet the mentioned criteria, a short CV with bibliography, and a description of your field of work, no later than 7 March 2011. Applications and further information: Mrs. Stibilj Nemec, phone +386 (0)5 33 15 261 or email