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European Researchers' Night 2011 is a current tool for creating connections between Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Udine

Date of publication: 4. 7. 2011

In Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Udine, the 23rd September 2011 will be held the "Researchers' Night", which for the sixth consecutive year is present in different European cities under the patronages of the European Commission. It is especially intended to connect the public and young scientists to the diverse research activities and to each other.

Joint participation of the three towns in the "European Researchers' Night" was accomplished with the help of "Rebound - Researchers on the boundary " project, which was designed by the University of Udine and the University of Nova Gorica, with the participation of Primorska Technology Park in Nova Gorica and the Research and Technology Park Friuli Innovazione from Udine. The European Commission selected the project due to an innovative way of cross-border integration and merging of quality research to the young people.

The central location of the Primorska region happening will be on the square of Europe which joins Nova Gorica and Gorizia, there will be held different events related to several branches of science - science of wine, biotechnology and chemistry, aircraft design, languages and communications etc. A central role in these events will had the researchers themselves. These "ordinary people with unusual occupations" will come into contact with visitors and in addition will present their research work and achievements of everyday life. On location in the center of Udine will be revealed what science does in the kitchen and what happens in a virtual body. The squares and streets in Nova Gorica, Gorizia and Udine, are getting prepared in terms of numerous science experiments, presentations, meetings, exhibitions, web conferencing, interactive installations, multimedia performance, and free guided tours of laboratories that will be correlated with each other and to different views of science in this three border cities. Free buses will be transporting visitors between the central location of the square of Europe and the center of Nova Gorica, and St. Clare Street and Cross Street in Gorizia.

In the Researchers' Night will be actively involved students, graduated students, which together with teachers and professors will help to organize the event and will also prepare various competitions and contests. In this way the Researches’ Night results as one of the most important approaches which is useful for the spreading and promotion of science and cultural exchanges in the area.

Web address: Gorizia and Udine Researchers' Night: http://www.ung.si/en/research/researchers-night/


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397
E: andreja.leban@ung.si