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The presentation of the book Evine hčere

Date of publication: 30. 10. 2009

The University of Nova Gorica cordially invites you to the presentation of the new book published by the University of Nova Gorica, Evine hčere: konstruiranje ženskosti v slovenskem javnem diskurzu 1848-1902, authoress Assist. Prof. Katja Mihurko Poniž, PhD. The event will take place on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 at 18:00 hours, in the lecture room P-7 of the University of Nova Gorica.

The monograph Evine hčere: konstruiranje ženskosti v slovenskem javnem diskurzu 1848-1902 deals primarily with the construction of femininity within public discourse in the 2nd half of the 19th and the 1st two years of the 20th century. It examines magazines and journals, published in the period from 1848-1902 and is to great extend limited to this period. The authoress examines the articles about the role of women in the national renaissance, the discourses about motherhood, marriage, girl’s education, prostitution, women sexuality and women readers.


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397
E: andreja.leban@ung.si