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15th Anniversary of the founding of the University of Nova Gorica

Date of publication: 15. 10. 2010

The ceremony marking the 15th Anniversary of the founding of the University of Nova Gorica and the start of the 2010/2011 academic year took place on Friday, 15 October, 2010 at 18:00 hours at the Zemono mansion near Vipava.

On this occasion, the following awards were presented:

  • Doctor Honoris Causa Award to Prof. Romano Prodi and Prof. Dr. Michael Grätzel
  • Professor Emeritus Award to Prof. Antonino Abrami
  • Honorary Member Award to Prof. Dr. Neil McN. Alford
  • Golden Plate Award to Prof. Dr. Francisco Ernesto Baralle
  • Alumnus Primus and Alumnus Optimus Awards