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Yearly exhibition of the School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica and Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts

Date of publication: 24. 5. 2010

We have concluded the sixteenth year of Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts and the first year of our new and young School of Arts of University of Nova Gorica, thus students and staff of both schools cordially invite you to the traditional event in Bežigrajski dvor in Ljubljana, where this year’s production of both schools shall be exhibited.

The School of Arts has in this study year begun with the three-year Digital Arts and Practices programme and already in the first year inscribed students not only in the first, but also in the third year. Hence, at the first final yearly exhibition of the School of Arts students of first and third study year shall present their works in the fields of videofilm, photography, animation and new media.

You are kindly invited to the yearly exhibition of the School of Arts of University of Nova Gorica and Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts opening on Friday, May 28, at 8pm in the school premises in Ljubljana, Bežigrajski dvor, Dunajska 56. The exhibition will also be open from Monday, May 31, through Friday, June 4, every day from 10am to 3pm (Friday until 1pm).


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397
E: andreja.leban@ung.si