REGINNA 4.0 First Summer School: Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation
The REGINNA 4.0 consortium partners invite you to join the REGINNA 4.0 First Summer School: Deep Tech training with impact on entrepreneurship and innovation that will focus on the training of talents in the technological areas of Nanotechnology and Industry 4.0.

This event will connect students with academics, businesses, public bodies and non-governmental organisations to explore innovations, business development and transfer of ideas from laboratory to the market. The curriculum will include the following topics:
- Novel materials
- Intersection with Quantum Technology
- Deep Learning and Nanotechnology Applications
Industry 4.0
- Introduction to Industry 4.0
- AI in quality control and product development
- Lean Manufacturing & Cybersecurity
- Tourism 4.0
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship fundamentals
- Innovation and product development
- Lean startup methodology
- Intellectual property and commercialization
To maximise the impacts the Summer School will have a hybrid format. The Summer School is organized within the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) framework. Upon successfully completed examination, the participants will receive an EIT-Labelled certificate, enabling them to obtain 3 ECTS points at their bachelor's or master's study programme.
The conference registration and attendance are free of charge.
The candidates who wish to attend the summer school in person, can submit a request for the coverage of accommodation expenses (limited number, therefore we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible). The number of participants attending online is not limited.
School's website, the programme and the registration form:
Organisers: University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia; University of Udine, Italy; University of León, Spain; Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.
Time and venue:
3rd–14th July 2023; hybrid mode
Venue: MIC, Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center, Cankarjeva ul. 8a, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
and online
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