Students' symposium of the INSPIRO 2024 project

At the student symposium, the students who have taken part in the INSPIRO – Innovative student projects in research environment shall present their research findings. In addition, this year they will be joined by the students performing research within the UNG research units, related to their diploma or master's theses and other research projects. The University of Nova Gorica has carried out the call for the proposals of the student research project scheme The INSPIRO project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (now renamed to Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation) within the frame of the measure for reaching the aims of the development area of national importance: »Additional activities for talented students«. Based on the call, the committee selected nine best proposals for student research projects, while UNG research units would manage the projects. As a result, we have enabled talented students from all over Slovenia to engage in scientific-research work, using UNG's state-of-the-art research equipment and infrastructure.
FN students, Amalija Rafaj Škriljevečki, Nejc El Habashi and Angela Zorchec will also present their research work.