SinFonIJA conference
Between September 26 and 28, linguists from the University of Nova Gorica's Center for Cognitive Science of Language and School of Humanities will be hosting this year's SinFonIJA conference.

SinFonIJA is a traveling conference that covers topics from all areas of theoretical linguistics, comparative linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and language acquisition. It was first organized in Nova Gorica in 2008 and got its name from the Slovenian SINtaksa FONologija In Jezikovna Analiza ‘Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis’.
Over the past 16 years it has been organised in Brno, Udine, Novi Sad, Budapest, Kraków, Dubrovnik, Ljubljana, Graz, Niš, Vienna and Sarajevo, i.e. many linguistics centers from the area of the former Austro-Hungarian empire and/or Yugoslavia. SinFonIJA 17 will bring together linguists from Asia, North America and Europe, and will also host, in addition to its regular session, a workshop on Multifunctionality in Morphology.